Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Toutes les activités

Ongoing activities

Ouverte jusqu'à:
Bolivia, January 2013

Préservation, renforcement et promotion des systèmes alimentaires, systèmes de connaissances et pratiques traditionnelles des peuples autochtones au service de systèmes alimentaires durables - Consultation du HLPE-FSN sur la portée du rapport

To respond to the CFS request, the HLPE-FSN will develop the report “Preserving, strengthening and promoting Indigenous Peoples’ food and knowledge systems and traditional practices for sustainable food systems” which will will provide recommendations to the CFS workstream. The results of this consultation will be used by the HLPE-FSN to elaborate the report to be presented at the 54th plenary session of the CFS in October 2026.

Activités précédentes


Towards a statement on food, agriculture and cities for the World Urban Forum

With different partners, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) is committed to the World Urban Forum V (WUF V). The WUF V will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 22 to 26 March. Its theme is: “The Right to the City, Bridging the Urban Divide”. Food and agriculture issues are at stake as they are a growing concern as well as a part of the solution.


Bilan des travaux existants sur les politiques alimentaires et agricoles en Afrique

Mon nom est Jean Balié, je suis un économiste dans la Division de l’Economie du Développement Agricole de la FAO. A l’heure actuelle, je travaille sur un nouveau projet intitulé "Suivi des Politiques Agricoles et Alimentaires en Afrique" (SPAAA) qui est mis en oeuvre conjointement par la FAO et l'Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economique (OCDE). Le but du projet est de faciliter un dialogue politique fondé sur un système de suivi analytique adéquat pour promouvoir une prise de décision plus renseignée aux niveaux national, régional et international.


Emballage des produits agricoles

Le PNUD au Burundi appuie le gouvernement au titre de plusieurs initiatives visant à créer des emplois dans les zones rurales. La stratégie clé identifiée consiste à créer de la valeur ajoutée aux produits agricoles en les soumettant à un conditionnement par le biais de l'industrie alimentaire. Une étape clé dans le processus est d'accéder à un procédé de conditionnement peu onéreux. Malheureusement, le Burundi ne dispose pas, à l'heure actuelle, d'installations de conditionnement de cette nature.


Discussions from n.41 to n.50

Here you can find the outcomes of the online discussions n.41 to n.50.

The topics raised are the following:

  • Seed Biodiversity
  • Women and Climate Change
  • Food, Agriculture and Cities
  • Public Procurement of Agricultural Goods
  • Agriculture Governance Systems
  • The Food Chapter of the Sphere Handbook
  • Land Grab
  • How to Feed the World in 2050
  • Recent Thinking on Rural Development
  • Looking back to effective rural practices

Discussions from n.31 to n.40

Here you can find the outcomes of the online discussions n.31 to n.40.

The topics raised are the following:

  • Food Security Component of the Sphere Handbook
  • Food Safety Mechanisms
  • Capabilities Approach
  • Food Security in arid and semi-arid lands
  • Food Security in the HIV/AIDS context
  • Food Insecurity among the Urban Poor
  • Food Security and Nutrition Security
  • Cassava development
  • Capacity building practices
  • Population Dynamics

Discussions from n.21 to n.30

Here you can find the outcomes of the online discussions n.21 to n.30.

The topics raised are the following:

  • Innovative approaches
  • National Agricultural and Food Policy for Uzbekistan
  • Integrated programming for poverty reduction
  • Climate change
  • Human Right to Food
  • Food Aid and Pro-Poor Growth
  • Complementary Food Recipes
  • Household Food Production
  • Food Security in Mountains
  • Garden in a sack

Discussions from n.11 to n.20

Here you can find the outcomes of the online discussions n.11 to n.20.

The topics raised are the following:

  • Collaboration among Stakeholders in Agriculture Development
  • Training resources on Food Security
  • Linking Food Security Information to Effective Decision Making
  • Organic Agriculture and Climate Change
  • Mainstreaming food security in poverty reduction
  • Staple Food as a solution to malnutrition
  • Energy competition for Food Crops
  • Improving rice production in Africa
  • Biological Pesticide Research and Extension
  • Soaring Food Prices and Policy Responses

Discussions from n.1 to n.10

Here you can find the outcomes of the online discussions n.1 to n.10.

The topics raised are the following:

  • Genetically Modified Organisms
  • Food Price Rise
  • Community Forestry
  • Measuring household Food Security
  • Smallholder Farmers
  • Agricultural Biodiversity
  • Nutrition education
  • Topics that need more research
  • 2nd International Conference on Poverty, Food and Health
  • Food security and nutrition research, analysis and information