Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Policies, strategies and guidelines

street food

Street food and urban and periurban agriculture and horticulture: perspectives for a strategic coalition towards food security

The aim of this discussion is to share perspectives on actual and potential links between street food vending and urban and periurban agriculture and horticulture, analyzing if and in which way such links may represent the basis for possible strategies to enhance food security in urban areas. 

Trainings, tools and databases

Monitoring commitment and capacity to act on food insecurity and malnutrition

The Food Security Commitment and Capacity Profile methodology There is a global consensus that strong political commitment by Governments and development partners is key to the elimination of hunger and malnutrition. It is against this background that FAO has developed a methodology to assess and...

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Reports and briefs

Climate Change and Food Security in Pacific Island Countries

With increasing global temperatures, rising sea levels and more frequent and intense extreme weather events, Pacific islands countries, especially those in warmer latitudes, are the most vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Their populations are expected to be among the first that...

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CFS - FSN Forum

Policy outreach and communications - what works for improving food security and nutrition at the country level?

The degree to which the Food Security and Nutrition information produced is actually used by decision makers, and influences policy making, remains unclear. Through this discussion we would like to explore the factors that contribute to our evidence and knowledge actually being used in policy making processes.

Policy documents

HLPE - High Level Panel of Experts Reports

On this page you can access all reports prepared by the High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS): Price volatility and food security 2011 Land tenure and international investments in agriculture 2011 Food security and climate change 2012 Social protection for...

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