全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)






Maternal nutrition in emergencies

Current evidence underlines the importance of the nutritional status of women as a crucial factor in the survival, healthy growth and development of her children. Although it is the subject of less global attention, maternal nutrition is also crucial for women’s own ability to live a healthy life...


Rights-based approaches to Food Security in Protracted Crises

Dear Members,

We would like to invite you to the online discussion Rights-based approaches to Food Security in Protracted Crises, launched today by the Community of Practice on Food Insecurity in Protracted Crises.

There are certainly many challenges to the successful application of rights based approaches in protracted crises settings such as weak central governments or having to deal with non-state actors. With this discussion we would like you to help us further explore these challenges and how they can be overcome.

The discussion will be facilitated by Joseph Schechla from Habitat International Coalition’s Housing and Land Rights Network, Egypt and by Mauricio Rosales from the Right to Food team of FAO, Italy.

It is the third of a series of four, which form part of the process to elaborate an Agenda for Action to address food insecurity in protracted crises. The inputs received through these discussions will inform and shape the elaboration of an Agenda for Action, which will be considered by the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in 2014.

Please read the full topic below and join the discussion on the web page. The topic is also available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish and we accept comments in any of these languages. This discussion will be open until 12 November 2013.

We look forward to hearing from you!

FSN Forum Team


What is the role of social relations and networks in household food security and nutrition?

The ability to access and consume nutritious food is to some extent an outcome of their membership and relationships with other members of society. This is especially true in times of crises. To identify and discuss success stories, challenges and way forward to achieving food and nutritional security, this discussion focuses on social relations and networks for food security and nutrition.

New course: Linking emergency aid to food and nutrition security 15 – 26 April, 2013 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Wageningen UR-Centre for Development Innovation is organising a new course on Linking Emergency Aid to Food and Nutrition Security. The course offers participants a chance to gain insight in the inter-disciplinary and integrated nature of food and nutrition security in an emergency setting, in particular the role of stakeholders, institutions, and innovative governance/donor interventions to build resilience. In addition, it stimulates participants to consider their own role as manager, policy maker or practitioner, making use of a wide range of principles and tools, to strengthen their interventions to make the transition from emergency towards food and nutrition security.

Asia Pacific Food Situation Update


  • Typhoon Bopha hits Philippines banana harvest hard
  • Global food prices fall slightly in November
  • Afghan domestic wheat flour prices rising
  • Asia cereals harvest at record level in 2012
  • Iran paying higher prices for commodities because of sanctions
  • Viet Nam achieves record rice exports
  • Indonesia and the Philippines likely to cut rice imports
  • Scientists unlock key sections of wheat genome
  • Favourable weather helping Afghan wheat crop
  • Russian wheat threatened by coldest winter in years