全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)



FSN Forum seminar on “Ending Hunger Worldwide”

The FSN Forum held its first “live”event on the occasion of Human Rights Day, 10th of December 2010, inviting Romebased members and friends to a presentation and discussion with George Kent, Professor of Political Science at the University of Hawai’i and active member of the FSN Forum.


世界粮食不安全状况 2015 (SOFI)

实现2015年饥饿相关国际目标:进展不一 今年的《世界粮食不安全状况》报告旨在回顾在实现与饥饿相关的千年发展目标1和世界粮食首脑会议相关国际目标方面取得的进展,并思考在我们朝着新的 “2015年后可持续发展议程”过渡的过程中应该采取哪些行动。报告将回顾各国、各区域以及全球层面1990年以来取得的进展。评估在实现千年发展目标1 上的相关进展时,不仅要衡量食物不足或饥饿相关数据,还要衡量另一项指标,即五岁以下儿童体重不足发生率。报告对不同区域、不同时期在两项指标上取得的进 展进行比较,以揭示粮食安全问题的复杂性。虽然整体已取得进展,但要消除饥饿和全方位实现粮食安全,摆在面前的工作依然很多。...

The State of Food and Agriculture 2015 - Social protection and agriculture: breaking the cycle of rural poverty

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on reducing poverty have been met by many countries, yet many others lag behind and the post-2015 challenge will be the full eradication of poverty and hunger. Many developing countries increasingly recognize that social protection measures are needed to relieve the immediate deprivation of people living in poverty and to prevent others from falling into poverty when a crisis strikes.

This edition of The State of Food and Agriculture 2015 makes the case that social protection measures will help break the cycle of rural poverty and vulnerability, when combined with broader agricultural and rural development measures.

Click here to read more and to dowload the publication.

Registrations are open: Sustainable Energy Technologies for Food Utilization in Emergency Contexts

Sustainable Energy Technologies for Food Utilization in Emergency Contexts

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Location: Council on Foreign Relations

Washington, DC 

This conference is addressed to high-level experts in the field of humanitarian action, as well as of energy, food security and nutrition. The “Sustainable Energy Technologies for Food Utilization” (SET4food) is a project co-funded by COOPI-Cooperazione Internazionale, Politecnico di Milano, Fondazione Politecnico and the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department (ECHO).

The specific objective of the project is to enhance the response capacity of humanitarian actors in identifying and implementing efficient and sustainable energy technologies for food utilization. The project takes into account the combination of food utilization and energy availability in formal and informal settlements for refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs). Practical tools to improve food utilization have been developed, and in particular: i) a decision support system (DSS) to facilitate the identification of the most appropriate energy technologies for a certain context; ii) guidelines of energy technologies for food utilization. Then pilot projects in Somalia, Central African Republic, Lebanon and Haiti have been implemented, in order to test the DSS, as well as innovative solutions. Finally, a set of in-presence trainings and public events have been raising the attention and improving the response capacity of humanitarian actors.

An open access e-learning course has been developed. All the material is accessible on the project website: www.set4food.org.


Food Security, Gender Equality and Peace-Building

The Institute of Development Studies and the FAO are launching this online discussion focusing on food security, gender equality and peace-building. The results will help inform a study aimed at generating evidence-based, meaningful, and actionable recommendations to governments and other stakeholders, particularly international organizations and FAO staff.


Climate Change, Food Security and Nutrition

Climate change directly affects food and nutrition security of millions of people, undermining current efforts to address undernutrition. It impacts people’s livelihoods and lifestyles through different pathways, hitting the poorest the hardest. The objective of this consultation is to gain a better understanding of the impact of climate change and to identify possible measures to protect and/or improve nutrition. 


A Common Analytical Model for Resilience Measurement

This paper published by the Food Security Information Network (FSIN) proposes a common analytical model that comprises six components upon which resilience measurement may be based. It also: defines resilience capacity as a multi-dimensional, multi-level mediator of shocks and stressors; identifies...


Why has Africa become a net food importer?

That Africa has become a net importer of food and of agricultural products, despite its vast agricultural potential, is puzzling. Using data mainly for the period 1960-2007, this report seeks to explain Africa’s food-trade deficit since the mid-1970s. The core finding is that population growth, low...
