全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)



How to better understand and respond to the vulnerability of households in the Sahel and in West Africa?

The communities of Sahelian West Africa (Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali) face, year after year, hardships due to drought despite all the aid awarded by international organizations. Lack of understanding of the communities' societies and a fragmented approach seem to be among the causes. What can we do to increase the impact of assistance programmes and reduce the vulnerability of these households?



From Repeated Crisis to Long Term Food Security

Protracted crises, as described by the latest State of Food Insecurity - SOFI report, affect 22 countries worldwide and pose an ongoing and fundamental threat to both lives and livelihoods, from which recovery becomes progressively more difficult over time. While many solutions are well known or have been at least partially adopted, there are evident barriers to effective programming that are worth investigating.



Towards global governance of food security

Can the new food governance system and strategic thinking on food security and rural development, prompted by the 2007–09 food “crisis”, prevent future crises and lead to the lasting eradication of hunger?


Climate Change and Food Security: setting the track for the HLPE

Food and nutrition insecurity and climate change are, more than ever, the two major global challenges humanity is facing. These challenges are inextricably linked, and so should be the world’s responses. The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) is conducting a study on climate change to facilitate and inform the policy decision-making of CFS members and invites you to provide your views on the aspects that should be considered.


Social protection for food security: setting the track for the High Level Panel of Experts

On behalf of the High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) we aim at collecting feedback on the HLPE’s study on Social Protection in the context of Food and Nutrition Security and on how to decrease vulnerability through social and productive safety nets, assessing possible solutions and reviewing existing practices.


Sahel Food Crisis 2012 - A Cyclical or Exceptional Crisis?

A new food and nutrition crisis is hitting the African Sahel, affecting the poorest African countries. A total of 18 million people between Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, the Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal are in urgent need for assistance to meet basic needs such as water, food...


Social Protection for Food Security: HLPE consultation on the V0 draft of the Report

Social protection has risen rapidly up the development policy agenda in the last decade. Although increasingly dominated by conditional and unconditional cash transfer programmes, the wide range of instruments that aim to alleviate poverty and manage livelihood risks often have direct, intended implications for food security.


Climate Change and Food Security: HLPE consultation on the V0 draft of the Report

The challenges of climate change to food security are multidimensional and assessing them requires some appraisal of issues such as identifying the most affected vulnerable regions and populations and the interface between climate change and agricultural productivity. The current draft aims at providing guidance for developing nationally-relevant policies and programmes. Please share your comments.

Climate-Responsive Social Protection

In the years ahead, development efforts aiming at reducing vulnerability will increasingly have to factor in climate change, and social protection is no exception. This paper sets out the case for climate‐responsive social protection and proposes a framework with principles, design features, and...
