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Доклады и информационные сводки

Indonesia’s Modern Food Retail Sector: Interaction With Changing Food Consumption and Trade Patterns

Indonesia’s food market has changed in response to a changing and growing economy. The report examines changes in the food consumption pattern and measures the growth of modern food retail chains, packaged food purchases, and food imports in the world’s fourth-most-populous country. The evidence...

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HLPE Consultation on Price Volatility

The HLPE of the CFS was mandated with carrying out a study on price volatility in agriculture. Has the HLPE identified the key policy instruments to reduce the frequency and magnitude of price shocks, manage risk, strengthen coping strategies and improving resilience at all levels? Do you have any innovative ideas of possible examples of these policy instruments?

Доклады и информационные сводки

Towards global governance of food security

Can the new food governance system and strategic thinking on food security and rural development, prompted by the 2007–09 food “crisis”, prevent future crises and lead to the lasting eradication of hunger?

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Доклады и информационные сводки

Food Prices and Food Security in Trinidad and Tobago

The economy of Trinidad and Tobago is booming, in particular as a consequence of increased energy production and the historical high oil prices. Whilst general inflation has remained relatively low for much of the present economic boom, substantial increases in retail food prices have been observed...

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Biofuels and Food Security - A consultation by the HLPE to set the track of its study

Following the request by the CFS, the HLPE is approaching the issue of biofuels through the lens of food security, taking into consideration a wide range of issues such as: forecasted demand, competition for biomass feedstock and for land, benefits along the biofuel production chain, the role of smallholders, social issues, new technologies etc. Please share your knowledge and views on this multifaceted topic to respond to the key question: are biofuels compatible with food security concerns or are they not adding too much to the – already unmet -  challenge to feeding the world?


Constraints to Smallholder Investments - A consultation by the HLPE to set the track of its study

A large percentage of word poverty is rural, largely directly or indirectly associated with smallholder farming. Smallholder farmers produce most of the food consumed locally, and food security at a world scale thus importantly depends on the investments made by external actors and by the smallholders themselves in their agricultural production. What are the constraints that limit these investments and what can be done to encourage investments in smallholder agriculture.


Linking Agriculture, Food Systems and Nutrition: What’s your perspective?

Agriculture and food systems face the challenge of meeting the growing demand for more and higher quality food, but also of doing so in a way that is sustainable, equitable and meets the nutritional needs and preferences of consumers. How should we move ahead to make sure that agriculture and food systems are up to this task?