Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Food security

FAO at Rio +20

FAO at the Rio+20 conference from 13 to 22 June will participate in over 30 events that range from food security, agriculture, fisheries, forestry to nutrition, energy and water among many other crosscutting subjects that are essential when discussing sustainable development issues. Food security and good natural resource management must go hand in hand if we want to eradicate hunger and poverty to achieve the Rio vision of sustainable development.

Promoting inclusion of people with disabilities in food security and agricultural development programmes and policies

Promoting inclusion of people with disabilities in food security and agricultural development programmes and policies

For decades the international disability movement has been saying that disability is a cause of poverty, that poverty often leads to disability and that disabled people are among the poorest of the poor in any country. Little effort is put in to making development programmes relevant to all stakeholders, including those with disabilities.

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Women in agriculture

Women in agriculture and food security: How can we turn rhetoric into reality?

Women make significant contributions to the rural economy in developing countries, however their yields are on average around 20-30 percent lower than men’s. According to the latest SOFA Report, these women frequently lack the resources and opportunities to make the most productive use of their time. What are the obstacles that women face, and most importantly what are the policies, programs and projects that can unleash their potential to boost food security and to take part in economic and social development?

Trainings, tools and databases

Familiy Nutrition Guide

The Family Nutrition Guide is a practical guide that aims to improve the feeding and nutrition of families in developing countries. It is primarily written for health workers, nutritionists, agricultural extensionists or other development workers who design nutrition education materials and...


Social protection for food security: setting the track for the High Level Panel of Experts

On behalf of the High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) we aim at collecting feedback on the HLPE’s study on Social Protection in the context of Food and Nutrition Security and on how to decrease vulnerability through social and productive safety nets, assessing possible solutions and reviewing existing practices.

Reports and briefs

Climate‐responsive Social Protection

In the years ahead, development efforts aiming at reducing vulnerability will increasingly have to factor in climate change, and social protection is no exception. This paper sets out the case for climate‐responsive social protection and proposes a framework with principles, design features, and...

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Reports and briefs

Food Prices and Food Security in Trinidad and Tobago

The economy of Trinidad and Tobago is booming, in particular as a consequence of increased energy production and the historical high oil prices. Whilst general inflation has remained relatively low for much of the present economic boom, substantial increases in retail food prices have been observed...

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Trainings, tools and databases

Guide to Measuring Household Food Security

This guidebook was prepared by Gary Bickel, USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), Office of Analysis, Nutrition, and Evaluation, and Mark Nord, USDA Economic Research Service (ERS), Food and Rural Economics Division.

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