全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)






在2021年2月粮安委批准 《准则内容纲要》 之后起草了 《准则预稿》 《准则预稿》,作为磋商过程的基础文本,这一磋商过程包括 六个区域磋商会 (拉丁美洲和加勒比、欧洲和中亚、近东、非洲、亚洲和太平洋以及北美洲)以及本次在线磋商会。

粮安委现邀请涉及应对粮食不安全和营养不良问题的所有有关各方1 就《准则预稿》提出反馈意见,该预稿由四部分组成:

  1. 第一部分介绍《准则》的背景和由来、《准则》的目标、性质及预定受众。
  2. 第二部分部分提出《准则》的核心基本原则,阐述了粮安委消除饥饿和确保人人享有粮食安全与营养以及在国家粮食安全范畴内逐步实现充足食物权的愿景。
  3. 第三部分由九个章节/专题组成。每个章节阐发一个供讨论的问题、叙述和相关政策领域。这一部分的目的是对磋商会的讨论加以框定并为文件的后续版本编写提供参考。该部分介绍了有待粮安委利益相关者考虑和讨论的有关问题和专题的初步思路。
  4. 第四部分包含有关今后《准则》落实及其采用和适用监测方面的条文。


  • 《预稿》是否恰如其分地论及了在实现性别平等以及在粮食安全与营养范畴内充分实现妇女和女童权利方面阻碍工作进展的主要挑战和障碍?若没有,你任务应该如何增补或调整?
  • 《预稿》第二部分是否充分体现了《准则》的核心基本原则?若没有,你认为应当如何对这些原则加以改进?
  • 《预稿》第三部分的九个章节是否全面涵盖了在实现性别平等以及在粮食安全与营养范畴内充分实现妇女和女童权利方面的有待应对各政策领域?若没有,你认为还应包含什么?
  • 《预稿》第四部分是否包含了有效落实和监测《准则》采用和适用情况所需的所有要素?若没有,你建议添加或调整哪些内容?





[1] 包括政府;政府间和区域组织,包括联合国机构;民间社会、私营部门;科研院所和学术单位;发展机构,包括国际金融机构和慈善基金会。

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 Part 3 of the Zero Draft 

"Under section 3.2: Elimination of violence and discrimination against women for improved food security and nutrition, No 40 cited indigenous peoples and socially and economically deprived women as being at heightened risk of violence".

I want to state it more clearly that the type of gender violence that is commonly experienced in Nigeria is not sexual abuse but psychological and economical violence as a result of patriarchy. More especially in polygamous households, where the man as head of household mandates the women and girls to work on the family farm without allowing them full access to ownership or use of profit earned to take care of their personal needs. In a situation where the woman is the head of the household, she is not allowed to have full ownership of farmlands or proceeds from ornamental trees or cash crops to raise her kids and take care of her needs. 

In section 3.3: Access to education, capacity building, training, knowledge and information services, one of the significant barriers to women and girls' education is early marriage and child marriage mostly caused by an age long tradition that cannot be influenced by civilisation nor religion.

Under the section 3.8 Women and men’s ability to make strategic choices for healthy diets and good nutrition, the following points can be added as part of Problem Statement:

Gender discriminatory norms prevailing in certain communities and societies clearly discriminate adolescent girls and women from their right to access, demand and consume healthy diets. Adolescent girls are made to do domestic chores and compromise on their health and education especially during situations like covid related school closures. This predisposes them to increased risk for anaemia, undernutrition and overweight and obesity (due to consumption of calorie rich foods and compromising on diet quality). Also a lack of decision making power in household expenditure, savings, investment in food and lands etc. is also predominant form of gender inequalities seen across several societies. Several adolescent girls are forced to early marriage and for taking care of their younger siblings depriving their own education and nutrition. Later when they are forced to enter into family life, they are influenced by their in laws and other family members and do not make any reproductive health choices and enter into unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions due to their own poor nutritional profile.

Policy areas for discussion:

Policies should prioritize on girls' nutrition and provision of food through social safety nets for their improved coverage and better health outcomes.