全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)



A stocktaking event is planned to be held in October 2019 during CFS 46 Plenary Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) to monitor the use and application of the following CFS policy recommendations:

Set 1: Investing in Smallholder Agriculture for Food Security and Nutrition (endorsed in 2013)

Set 2: Connecting Smallholders to Markets (endorsed in 2016)

Set 3: Sustainable Agricultural Development for Food Security and Nutrition: What Roles for Livestock?

(endorsed in 2016)

The Committee on World Food Security requests stakeholders to provide inputs on their experiences in applying any of these policy recommendations by 29 April 2019 to inform the CFS 46 event. CFS stakeholders include member countries, participants (UN agencies and bodies, civil society and non-governmental organizations and networks, international agricultural research systems, international and regional financial institutions and private sector associations and philanthropic foundations) and observers.

These policy recommendations are of great relevance to all CFS stakeholders, and particularly to the smallholder producers who are the main contributors to food security and nutrition and the most numerous category of family farmers. They are key protagonists of the United Nations Decade on Family Farming and this stocktaking event at CFS 46 will constitute a specific contribution of CFS to the Decade in 2019.

The event will focus on how smallholders have effectively benefitted or are expected to benefit from these CFS policy recommendations. It will also look into the potential application of CFS policy outcomes, especially for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in the context of the UN Decade on Family Farming and the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition. Given the important role of women in the context of smallholder agriculture, the event will also contribute to mainstreaming the messages of the 2017 CFS Forum on Women’s Empowerment in the Context of Food Security and Nutrition.

These three interconnected sets of CFS policy recommendations focus on smallholders who play an essential role in ensuring food security and nutrition locally and worldwide. Set 1 provides an overall framework of the recommendations that are promoted by CFS to support smallholder agriculture, in line with the CFS vision. These recommendations stem from the report of the CFS High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) “Investing in smallholder agriculture for food security and nutrition”. The policy recommendations focus on: enabling national policies, governance and their evidence base; promoting access to assets, public goods, social services, research and extension and technology; and enabling investment, access to markets, productive services and resources.

Set 2 results from a more comprehensive analysis of the key challenges and opportunities for improving smallholders’ access to markets. They draw on the outcomes of the CFS High-Level Forum on Connecting Smallholders to Markets held in June 2015. They highlight the importance for smallholders of markets embedded in local, national and regional food systems and propose a series of policy measures to strengthen these markets and smallholders’ access to them in the context of food security and nutrition.

Set 3 contributes to the overall policy reflection on smallholder agriculture by focusing on the role that sustainable agricultural development and in particular livestock has in improving the economic, social and environmental sustainability of food systems. These recommendations stem from the HLPE report “Sustainable agricultural development for food security and nutrition: what roles for livestock?”.

CFS has consistently encouraged stakeholders to share their experiences on a voluntary basis in using and applying CFS policy main products and other recommendations, either through reporting “individual” experiences by one group of stakeholders (e.g. a member state, civil society, private sector) or through reporting the results of multistakeholder consultations (organized to discuss experiences) by several groups of stakeholders. Guidance to hold multistakeholder consultations at national, regional and global levels is provided in the Terms of Reference to share experiences and good practices in applying CFS decisions and recommendations through organising events at national, regional and global levels, approved by CFS in 2016.

The recommended approach by CFS to organize multistakeholder consultations promotes country-owned and country-led events organized in collaboration and partnership with existing coordination mechanisms and initiatives. National actors should play an active role in the organization of such events at all levels, with possible support from the Rome-based Agencies (Food and Agriculture Organization - FAO, International Fund for Agricultural Development – IFAD, and World Food Programme - WFP) or other stakeholders. The results are expected to be documented in reports prepared in consultation with all groups of stakeholders participating in the event.

All inputs received will contribute to monitoring progress on the use and application of the three sets of CFS policy recommendations. All inputs will be compiled in a document made available for delegates at CFS 46 in October 2019.

Please use the attached template for sharing your experience in applying any of these policy recommendations. You can upload the completed form below or send it via email to [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is 29 April 2019.

Submissions can be made in any of the UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) and should be strictly limited to 1,000 words.

The vision of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is to be the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for a broad range of committed stakeholders to work together in a coordinated manner in support of country-led processes towards the elimination of hunger and ensuring food security and nutrition for all human beings. CFS will strive for a world free from hunger where countries implement the Voluntary Guidelines to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security. More information on the Committee is provided on the CFS website.

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Max Blanck

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

Dear all,

Thank you very much for the comments shared so far. While all contributions are most welcome, I would like to remind you to use, where possible, the template provided by CFS.

This would greatly help our colleagues in analysing and systematizing your case studies.

You can download the template here.

We look forward to keep receiving your case studies!


FSN Forum Team

In my opinion, in developing countries the smallholders are not aware about the modern production technology of field crops cultivation. The farmers use toxic chemicals, degrade soils, and they don’t know the soil and water conservation practices. Moreover, the smallholders are cheated by the middlemen because they don’t have direct access to big markets to sell their produce. About 50-80% of the smallholder’s income goes to the middlemen. I recently completed a two years project (2017 and 2017) entitled: Transfer of Modern Production Technology of Field Crops Cultivation to Farmers through Field Days and Trainings in remote areas of two districts (Malakand and Swat). I trained farmers there in different union councils. I will also suggest the attention of governments to make good policies regarding smallholders in neglected/remote areas.

Livestock play important role in sustainable farming system. However, the genetics of our livestock are low yielding and therefore the farmers are not in much advantage by keeping livestock’s. Government should work and introduce high yielding livestock’s in the country for the betterment of farming community. On the other hand, the dominant cereal based cropping system in the country i.e. rice-wheat or maize-wheat reduce the fertility of the soils. Moreover, cereal based system results in low proteins per unit area and so the farmers are having malnutrition and poor health problem (e.g. Zn deficiency). The government must encourage the introduction of pulses in the cropping system which could increase soil fertility and protein per unit area. Here the farmers apply so many sprays on orchids (e.g. peach orchids) which is the major cause of hepatitis, skin problem, and cancer etc. The livestock health is also under severe stress due to lack of balanced and less feed availability.

Detailed file already sent by email.

Hello everyone,

It’s about, Set 3: Sustainable Agricultural Development for Food Security and Nutrition: What Roles for Livestock?

Livestock production is important from the point of view of human health, employment and livelihoods, yet questioned by some mostly in environmental implications context. It’s mostly the management issue-how we are keeping the livestock in terms of numbers, production efficiency, feeding regime (competition with humans for feed) etc. The integrated systems could be more resilient, where livestock could be maintained as per the carrying capacity of the land holdings with the farmers. The Extension and Advisory services can design extension strategies around food systems towards ensuring the availability of required amount of animal sourced protein. We need 20gm animal sourced protein/per day which means everyone needs 33 kg lean meat / 45 kg fish / 60kg eggs or 230 kg milk/year. Many countries around the world are having far less consumption from this required levels. This leads to human population suffering from micro- nutrients related deficiency diseases stunting, wasting, anaemia, cognitive problems etc. In India, for instance, Over 70% pre-school children  consume less than 50% of Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of iron, vitamin A, and some B vitamins particularly riboflavin and folic acid. Many of these nutritional deficiencies can be overcome, if livestock products like milk, meat, pork, fish and eggs are included in human diets in required quantities. Livestock production offers multiple benefits like improved nutrition, health, incomes, and livelihoods. Yet the potential of livestock production is underexploited in many developing countries. While the research can help improve livestock productivity, the extension and outreach activities can deliver research outcomes to producers leading to improved livestock productivity. But Research-extension- farmer linkages are weak in these countries. So, we need to design extension interventions that include promoting crop-livestock integrated farming systems, fodder cultivation, promoting livestock entrepreneurship, mentoring rural youths, and organizing capacity building programmes including for farm women. The productivity enhancing livestock technologies, when shared with the livestock owners via targeted extension services can improve their production practices for green fodder, milk, meat, fish and egg production.

The questions we need to answer, how best we can ensure the required quantity of ASF to growing human population, with least implications to environment?

You may like to read my blog: http://www.fao.org/cfs/home/blog/blog-articles/article/en/c/1043521

Looking forward to hear more from the participants?

    Dans le haut Atlas Maroc, et exactement dans la Commune d'Assoul  situé à la province de Tinghir où les population vivent essentiellement de la petite agriculture où j'ai exercé comme vulgarisateur et où j'ai pu réaliser , au sein de l'office agricole du Tafilalet, l'extention du pommier en général, mais  pas le développement de toute la filière. Mon action avait ciblé uniquement la production et une ébauche de l'organisation professionnelle aux alentours de cette filière.

     L'action était de marier cette culture(pommier) au cultures fourragères et par consequent  à l'élevage. Mais cette petite agriculture est sujette à de nombreux problèmes notamment la secheresse ou l'eccès subite de l'eau (innondations , grêle et crues qui ravagent tout) et les agriculteur se trouvent démunis et vivent en dépendance de leurs proches qui se louent ailleurs .        Et la solution du problème n'est pas inconnue mais difficile à réaliser par les agricultures, cette solution est d'installer des barrages de retenue pour régler le débit de l'eau et atténuer l'effet de secheresse par une bonne maitrise l'eau.

     Et la deuxième solutionet d'installer des infrastructure comme le lieu de stockage de la production et encadrer ces petits agriculteurs et agricultrice.


Proyecto orientado al uso racional de la anchoveta como materia prima de conservas, producidas bajo los más altos standards de calidad alimentaria. Objetivo: Reducir hambre y desnutrición.

El Proyecto identifica los actuales desafíos y oportunidades que afectan el desarrollo de la cadena de valor de la anchoveta enlatada, eliminando la opción de su consumo alimentario.

El Proyecto describe un modelo inédito de colaboración entre socios de la cadena. Define las Best Practices que conducen al aseguramiento de la sostenibilidad de los socios y de la cadena.

Identifica las no conformidades existentes en procesos críticos. Propone las acciones correctivas para su levantamiento y cierre. Recoge teoría, experiencia y lecciones aprendidas de expertos.

El Proyecto es una propuesta para la aplicación de los tres conjuntos de recomendaciones de política del CSA, lo cual se aprecia en los tres acápites siguientes.

Conjunto 1: Inversión en el pescador artesanal en favor de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición. (Pescador artesanal is a small fishing boat owner) Smallholder Perspective.

Conjunto 2: Vinculación de los pescadores y productores artesanales con los mercados. (The food in a food system is not only produced, but also processed, distributed and marketed)

Conjunto 3: Desarrollo pesquero sostenible en apoyo de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición. ¿Qué función desempeña el recurso pesquero alimentario más abundante en el mundo? (Anchovy availability is good enough for feeding and nurturing people living in poverty all the world over)

En la etapa de elaboración del estudio de factibilidad del proyecto, utilizaremos la estructura del “Framework for Project Design”, la cual forma parte del documento “Nutrition-sensitive Value Chains from a Smallholder Perspective”