全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)



2014年,粮农组织渔业委员会(COFI)批准了 《粮食安全与消除贫困背景下保障小规模渔业自愿准则》(《可持续小规模渔业准则》) 。这是面向各国和其他主体关于如何提高小规模渔业可持续性的一整套建议。《可持续小规模渔业准则》涉及的主要问题包括平等分配权属;对资源进行负责任管理;支持社会发展和体面就业;在整个价值链对渔业工人进行赋权;促进性别平等;以及应对气候变化和灾害风险等。《可持续小规模渔业准则》是通过参与式过程制定的,小规模渔业各种主体、政府、学术界、非政府组织、区域组织和其他诸多利益相关者均参与了该过程。准则的内容反映了这些主体提出的涉及保障可持续小规模渔业的主要问题,以及有关如何解决这些问题的指南。






Nicole FranzAmber Himes-Cornel Katy Dalton









  • 你认为对于评估保障可持续小规模渔业工作进展来说,《可持续小规模渔业准则》中5个最相关的章节、断落和/或议题有哪些?
  • 请说明为什么你认为这些章节、断落和/或议题最为相关?
  • 对进展的衡量应当在何种地域层面(如地方、国家)进行?



  • 根据你在第1部分确定的优先重点,对于可以采用哪些指标来衡量进展情况你有何建议?
  • 如有可能,请提供你所建议的指标得到成功采用的实例,包括在数据和能力有限的情况下得到成功采用的实例?
  • 请介绍你所了解、可能用于衡量这些指标的任何监测和评价框架及数据来源。




  • 你认为成功参与式监测的关键要素有哪些?
  • 拟在参与式监测方面有哪些经验?
  • 在为《可持续小规模渔业准则》设计和实施监测系统方面应由哪些关键主体参与或负责?
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I think that all Chapters are linked to each other in account of Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines).

One of Monitoring and measures tool to assess progress towards priorities is  Close Co-Ordination with all stakeholders like respective Government Institutions including academia and CSOs we can measures the progress the identified priorities of issues. For example in our respective country we have organized low cost activities with small scale fishers and collect the evidences, local wisdoms and experiences through Small Group Discussions’ ( SGD) after that engaged all stakeholder through workshops and presented all suggestions for with fully data and with fact and figures to improve Tenure and access rights, Management of resources responsible, gender equity, Decent work and Climate change to concerned Government representatives and legislators for legislations and Provincial Government of Sindh Pakistan has taken appropriate actions to develop the Small Scale Fisheries and also address climate change, sustain water quality and protection of natural heritages, this was successfully done.  


Key elements fo successful participatory monitoring are:  participation of local actors, different genders and ages in the analysis and long term process.  It needs to be flexible enough to permit returning to the indicators several times in time and reviewing what has been evaluted before. The process needs to have a lot of discussion on what is being measure and how each community perceives the situation. 

It is a beautiful experience, and ever learning momment and a collective effort to move forward. We have evaluated the local initiatives of small scale fishers for several times now and it is always a learning process, a true moment, were we realized with them that maybe the changes are still going very slow.

The design and implemetnaiton of a monitoring system should be done by practical field technitians and local ssf community leaders, the process should be a learning one in practical sense and move on with the timing of the particular communities we are working with from my point of view.


  I believe that the relevant  5 chapters for securing sustainable SSF are:  Tenure and access rights, Management of resources responsible, gender equity, Decent work and Climate change.  

There is no possibility of reaching sustainable use of marine resources without a human rights base approach to it, small scale fishers ( men, women and youth) have been marginalized in most countries without accessing this basic human rights which need to be in place to move on with this communities for an adequate governance of their territories of life and the sustainable use of fishing resources.  In the case of climate, adaptation and knowledge from this communities are urgent issues to be considered in the framework of the already impacting results of these climatic effects.

I think that the geographical scale needs to approach both national, local.  Different monitoring and evaluation techniques and indicators will need to be developed to advanced.  Also global analyisis of advance need to be put in place.  We have used the annexed methodology for communities self evaluation of the guidelines subjects of interest.   


Dear colleagues and forum participants,

I am pleased to welcome you to this e-consultation on how to monitor the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines). We have come a long way since the SSF Guidelines were endorsed by COFI in 2014, but effective implementation requires knowledge of progress in order to make well-informed decisions. For this reason, the FAO SSF Guidelines Secretariat is focusing efforts on developing guidance for monitoring and evaluation of the SSF Guidelines, and your inputs will be vital in steering this process and determining the best path forward. Thank you for your dedication to securing sustainable small-scale fisheries and your embrace of the participatory process! We look forward to an engaging and productive discussion.


Katy Dalton –

for the FAO SSF Guidelines Secretariat

Participatory monitory has its own indicators depending on the targeted project yet most of them can have the basic similarity with key elements:

  • Household (the project direct user or direct impact expected) 
  • Stakeholders who will have a direct and indirect contribution to the project  
  • Enablers those who will have an indirect impact on the project to facilitate and solve opportunities and constraints, like policymakers, other institutions. 

We had different monitoring experiences related to technology users and adopters in the research system. 

The smallholders are the implementer of the project (the project should be designed with participatory or involvement of SSF for its long term sustainability), yet the monitoring should be by the project designer or the funder or PI team or external body for its impact and it's true to type validation.