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Call for submissions

10th anniversary of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines)

2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the endorsement of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines).

The SSF Guidelines are the first international instrument dedicated entirely to the immensely important small-scale fisheries sector. More than 4000 voices from fishers, fish workers and others in over 120 countries have described how they would want to make livelihoods along the small-scale fisheries value chain sustainable for people and the planet. Their recommendations have been summarized into a concise set of principles, namely the SSF Guidelines.

The final text of the SSF Guidelines was negotiated by FAO Members and endorsed by the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) in 2014, confirming a strong commitment from both governments and civil society to bring about positive change in small-scale fisheries.

The principles in the SSF Guidelines address policies, strategies and legal frameworks concerning small-scale fisheries, but also other matters affecting lives and livelihoods in fishing communities.  The SSF Guidelines are global in scope, and they guide dialogue, policy processes and actions at national, regional and international level, contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  

Key issues addressed in the SSF Guidelines are:

  • securing tenure rights and managing resources responsibly;
  • supporting social development and decent work;
  • improving value chains from catching through processing to trading fish;
  • promoting gender equality; and
  • taking into account climate change and disaster risk.

Aware, informed, empowered, capacitated 

To achieve the recommendations in the SSF Guidelines, one must know about, understand and apply them. Efforts to implement the SSF Guidelines include: (i) Raising awareness; (ii) Strengthening the science-policy interface; (iii) Empowering stakeholder, and; (iv) Supporting implementation.

It is also important to understand the situation, challenges and opportunities facing small-scale fisheries around the world, and to use this knowledge to inform policies and decisions to support sustainable fisheries and community livelihoods.  

Change has to happen at national and local levels. For that, fishers and fish workers need to know their rights and responsibilities and have ways to realize them. Organisations that carry the voice of fishers and fish workers to policy- and decision-makers must be supported and empowered. Likewise, policy- and decision-makers need the tools and capacity to engage with small-scale fishers. 

All actors need supporting partnerships and arrangements that makes it easy for them to exchange ideas and concerns, and collaborate to make a difference. There is also a need to measure and keep track of progress. 

The implementation of the SSF Guidelines is both challenging and promising. The International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA) in 2022 has shown that actions to raise awareness on the small-scale fisheries subsector can generate positive results. Two countries have already launched National Plans of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries (NPOA-SSF) and other countries have started the process of developing an NPOA-SSF or have demonstrated interest in doing so.

On the SSF Guidelines website you can find more information about the SSF Guidelines, including related projects, tools and resources.

Tell us what you think and do!

Share your experience on the implementation of the SSF Guidelines

This call is an important stock taking opportunity for all and the results are expected to further inform FAO, governments, SSF organizations, NGOs development partners, CSOs, research and other partners initiatives to implement the SSF Guidelines at national, regional or global level.

The FAO SSF Guidelines team invite stakeholders to:

Share experiences, lessons learned and good practices on the implementation of the SSF Guidelines.
Point out gaps, constraints and challenges encountered in raising awareness and implementing the SSF Guidelines.
Suggest recommendations for improvements in implementing the SSF Guidelines.
Share concrete plans to (further) use and implement the SSF Guidelines.
Tell us why the SSF Guidelines are important.

Your contributions will support celebrations of the 10th anniversary of the SSF Guidelines, for example during the 36th session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries and during the 2024 SSF Summit and inform future implementation.

How to take part in this Call for Submissions:

Submissions can be made in any of the three languages (English, French or Spanish). Please keep the length of submissions limited to 1,000 words. You can download and upload the completed form on this webpage or, alternatively, send it to [email protected]

The Call for Submissions is open until 11 December 2023.

We engage you for an active participation and thank you for sharing your experience!

Nicole Franz, Fishery Officer, Equitable Livelihoods Team Lead, Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, FAO 

Mele Tauati, Fishery Officer (Small-Scale Fisheries), Equitable Livelihoods Team, Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, FAO 


FAO. 2015. Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication. Rome. https://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/I4356EN

SSF Guidelines website

FAO. 2021. SSF Guidelines uptake and influence. A pathway to impact. Rome. https://www.fao.org/3/cb7657en/cb7657en.pdf

FAO. 2020. Legislating for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries – A guide on how to align national fisheries legislation to the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication. Rome. https://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/CB0885EN

FAO. 2023. International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022 – Final report. Rome. https://www.fao.org/documents/card/en?details=cc5034en

United Republic of Tanzania. 2021. NPOA National Plan of Action For Implementation of Voluntary Guidelines on Securing Sustainable Small- scale fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (NPoA-SSF GUIDELINES). Dodoma, Tanzania. https://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ssf/documents/Tanzania_National_Plan_of_Action_Book.pdf

Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR). 2022. National Plan of Action for small-scale fisheries. 2022-2026. Government of Namibia. https://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ssf/documents/Namibias_National_Plan_of_Action_for_Small_Scale_Fisheries_2022_to_2026.pdf


For learning more about the FAO publications on this topic, please read the article here.

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Dear Esteemed Collegues,

It is insanely important that we get on board with the complete science, NO GAPS, the constraints and oppositions are cultural, governmental and institutional. Quickly we can right now re-direct efforts through this new knowledge of literal freedom and food abundance for all

It is going to take one hell of a movement that is for sure, but in the end it will take a redirection of war forces for example, or prison labors for another, or the poverty sector can learn and do this on it's own also through our new courses in the making.    --  please get in touch here if you wish to help enrich any of this.

Potentials in Small Fisheries as nature prescribes

Potentials in Small Fisheries along the " guerilla permaculture trail" are vast, and especially in the goal of poverty irradiation can play super-enhancing roles in completing and enhancing the operation.

The presence of diverse alternative agriculture trails near natural rivers, and irrigation channels can bring several benefits to small fisheries, fostering a more sustainable and resilient ecosystem. Here are some potential advantages:

  1. Nutrient Input: Agriculture trails near rivers or irrigation can act as a source of nutrient runoff, enriching the water with organic matter and nutrients. This increased nutrient availability can enhance the productivity of the river ecosystem, providing a more abundant food supply for fish and other aquatic organisms.

  2. Habitat Diversity: The diversity of plant life along agriculture trails contributes to the creation of diverse habitats along riverbanks. Different plant species provide hiding places, spawning grounds, and shelter for fish, promoting biodiversity within the aquatic ecosystem.

  3. Buffer Against Pollution: Vegetation along agriculture trails can act as a buffer, filtering out pollutants from runoff before they reach the river. This helps maintain water quality and reduces the negative impacts of agricultural runoff on fish populations.

  4. Stabilization of Riverbanks: Plant roots from vegetation along agriculture trails help stabilize riverbanks, preventing erosion. Stable riverbanks create a more favorable environment for fish habitats, as they reduce sedimentation and maintain clear water conditions.

  5. Shade and Temperature Regulation: Trees and other vegetation along agriculture trails provide shade, helping to regulate water temperature in the river. This is particularly important for fish species that are sensitive to temperature changes. Maintaining suitable water temperatures contributes to the overall health and well-being of fish.

  6. Food Sources: The diverse plant life along agriculture trails can contribute to the availability of insects and other invertebrates, serving as additional food sources for fish. This can enhance the nutritional diversity of the fish diet, supporting their growth and reproduction.

  7. Connectivity and Migration Routes: Agriculture trails can act as corridors connecting different habitats along the river. This connectivity is crucial for the migration of fish, allowing them to move between spawning, feeding, and nursery areas. Uninterrupted migration routes contribute to the sustainability of fish populations.

  8. Economic Opportunities for Local Communities: Diverse agriculture trails can support local economies by providing resources for both agriculture and fisheries. Small-scale farmers and fishers may find mutually beneficial relationships, such as using agricultural by-products as fish feed or engaging in integrated farming practices.

  9. Cultural and Recreational Values: A diverse natural environment contributes to the cultural and recreational values of the area. This can attract ecotourism and recreational activities centered around fishing, benefiting local communities and providing an incentive for conservation efforts.

  10. Water Regulation and Flow Management: Vegetation along agriculture trails can contribute to water regulation by absorbing excess water during periods of heavy rainfall and releasing it gradually. This natural flow management helps prevent flooding and ensures a more stable and suitable environment for fish.

In summary, the presence of diverse alternative agriculture trails near-natural rivers can have multifaceted benefits for small fisheries, promoting habitat diversity, water quality, stable riverbanks, and overall ecosystem health. These positive interactions contribute to the sustainability of both agricultural and fisheries practices, supporting the well-being of local communities and the environment.

They are no doubt essential focus to a complete and balanced ecological and human health optimization and enhancement.


IMPORTANT: A conversation missed in the ecological study, and movement - Leaders in this movement, need to start overcoming their challenges with a whole new approach, we need you to be your best, inyour best shape and able to do hard work and outthink hard problems! There is no better way to get mindset and fitness results than to catch them from someone who has them. There are people available now to help you get into your best form. We need the people involved with our ecology to be strong, disciplined, noble examples and leaders. 

Science perhaps should have ventured in this direction of combining the elements, but instead, this hugely important community opted for the "direction of dissection." They are almost opposed to realizing diverse combinations, and creative nutrition building as a study. Right now, in modern culture (North America), what I am talking about in terms of planning out a "highly diverse diet to optimize yourself "is a "crazy" idea - "that likely has a lot less of a benefit than I say it does." At this time it seems that cool is to be dumb and Cheetos are good nutrients for kids. I keep repeating myself so a few young people I care about consider the nutritional idea at least, and actually discover the full performance benefits. How many people take the time to even try it?

Pay deep attention to nature and everything will become more clear. -Albert Einstein

It can be further argued that gains in atmospheric richness by practice such as guerrilla permaculture at a large enough scale would be significant.

This would be a natural solution to both carbon and food-related concerns.

教授 K. Ramesh Kumar

Department of Economics and Rural Development, Alagappa University (Govt. Institution)

  I would like to share some of personal view on  sustiable small -sale fishers in the context of food secturity and poverty eradication. 

 1. Revise government policy on fishers in time to time, create awerness for increase fish consumption, this will leads to demand for fish.

 2. More than 90 percent of the fisheries households are depends on SSF, so, provide adequate subsides based on the demands of fisheries households, like finance support with zero rate of interest to purchase inputs.transport fesicilities.

3. Many of the fisheries households facing poor in getting the social and economical secturities measures from the government, example getting in higher education in college, occpuational losses at the time moonsoon seasons, etc.

4. Women in fihseries households mainly depends on the SSF, give proper training, marketing and price for their products, and encourage to them to participate co-opertinve system of production.

5.Establish industrial centres for producing fishers based products will generate employment and entreprenerial opportunties to them.

6. Transformation of employmet is must, many fisheries household still primarly depends on fisheris farms, engourge them to diversified occupational structures.

7. Government provide special finanancial assistance scheme for aged and poor fisheries households.

8. Linkage between local to global concepts for their products.

9. Proper monitoring system on government welfare schemes.

10. International agencies encourage and support fisheries and to develop a model on linkage between poor and developed countries.

11. Encourge fisheries households on seaweed prodcution and other supports, becuase of growing demand for seaweed prodcuts.







il est impossible de sécuriser la production alimentaire pour deux raisons.

1- la notion du vivant terrestre

2- l’eau consommée pour le nettoyage n’est pas nettoyée.


1-1 le vivant terrestre comprend le règne animal dont l’humain fait partie, et le règne végétal. 

1-2 ce qui caractérise tout le vivant terrestre, c’est qu’il est une et entière matière organique.

1-3 une matière organique se nourrit exclusivement de matière organique et rien d’autre.

1-4 ce qui détermine que le vivant terrestre est une énorme chaîne alimentaire de lui même.

Synthèse: Tout empoisonnement d’un vivant, empoisonne tout le vivant terrestre l’humain y compris.


2-1 l’humain utilise de l’eau propre pour tout nettoyer.

2-2 l’eau du nettoyage n’est pas nettoyée parce qu’on ne sait faire.

2-3 on rejette l’eau de nettoyage, contaminée, empoisonnée dans l’eau propre.

2-4 on prélève l’eau de consommation dans l’eau dans laquelle on a rejeté l’eau sale

Synthèse: par le principe de la chaîne alimentaire, tout le vivant terrestre s’empoisonne lentement tous les jours en absorbant des excréments humains de la veille.

l’eau doit être déclarée bien commun universelle et plus aucune eau de nettoyage doit être restituée à la nature sans avoir été nettoyée. 

Dear Nicole,

I would like to share with you my own view which is consists of as follows:

When central of Somalia collapsed in 1991 the fisheries department has been faced large number of constraints which include: absence of central fisheries governance, legislation and enforcement mechanism, impacts of Illegal, unreported, and unregulated absence of organized fisheries data and lack of fisheries infrastructure.

  1. International community should find salutation the illegal fishers from worldwide who have more guns.
  2. Fisheries needs to provide small-scale project that developing their productive system from sea (provision tools and training as well as small boats)

先生 Basiru Darboe


The voluntary guidelines for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries in a contest of food security and poverty eradication

1. governance and institutional frameworks: The guidelines emphasize the importance of effective governance structures and institutions to support sustainable small-scale fisheries. This includes the involvement of fishers and their communities in the decision-making process.

2. resources management: The guidelines promote the adoption of sustainable fishing practices such as the use of selective fishing gear, the establishment of protected areas, and the implementation of the fisheries management plan.

3. social and economic aspect: the guidelines recognised the importance of securing of livelihood of small-scale fisher and their communities.

4. Harvest and value chain: the guidelines highlight the importance of improving post-harvest losses and improving the quality of fish products. they also emphasize the need to promote fair and transparent value chains that benefit small-scale fishers.

5. climate change adaptation: the guidelines recognized the vulnerability of small-scale fisheries to climate change impact and stressed the importance of integrating climate change adaptation measures into fisheries management strategies 

This Submission aims to raise awareness on how much ends up in the aquatic zones and how pollution affects us all, share the value of repurposing waste and bring an end to single-use plastic, in line with SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure), SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production), SDG 14 (life below water) and SDG 15 (life on land). 

The boats created using locally available resources and low-tech solutions, underscoring the potential for its ideas and techniques to be easily emulated. According to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP, or UN Environment), only 9 percent of the 9 billion tons of plastic the world has produced has ever been recycled.

 The majority of plastics are thrown away after a single use, resulting in billions of tons of plastic that ends up in landfills and in the environment. This aquatic debris threatens ecosystem viability, economic development and food security. UNEP’s Clean Seas Campaign engages governments, the public and private sector in the fight against pollution. 

The project is focusing on ‘Innovative Solutions for Environmental Challenges and Sustainable Consumption and Production.

 From my own observations I suggest the following points should be considered

1. Water pollution due to poor waste management is a challenge for sustainable fish resources therefore there is a need to include in the guidelines how to mainstream fish resources prevention from water pollution

2. The way of water use practices both modern and traditional ways have an impact on the sustainability of fish resources therefore there is a need to devise proper water governance system that considers traditional water management practices


Oscar Amarasinghe

Ocean University of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka

Dear Nicole,

I am attaching my response to the FAO call for submissions.


Oscar Amarasinghe| B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. 

CHANCELLOR- Ocean University of Sri Lanka 

PROFESSOR EMERITUS- University of Ruhuna 

PRESIDENT- Sri Lanka Forum for Small Scale Fisheries (SLFSSF) 


En Costa Rica, se ha realizado un esfuerzo importante desde la sociedad civil, conjuntamente entre CoopeSoliDar R.L ( www.coopesolidar.org) y la Red de áreas marinas de pesca responsable y territorios marinos de vida ( https://coopesolidar.org/actividades/proyectos/vigentes/somoslared/ ) por avanzar en la implementación de las Directrices Voluntarias para la Sostenibilidad de la Pesca Artesanal de Pequeña Escala en el Contexto de la Seguridad Alimentaria y la Erradicación de la Pobreza, desde su aprobación en 2014. 


Costa Rica, ha avanzado en contar con un decreto ejecutivo para su implementación https://coopesolidar.org/decretos-ejecutivos/#396

y ahora con un proyecto de Ley en este mismo sentido,



Desde la Sociedad Civil, independientemente de si los gobiernos apoyan o no este instrumento de enorme importancia para el reconocimiento justo del sector de pesca artesanal de pequeña escala, se han hecho importantes esfuerzos para dar a conocer las Directrices y fortalecer las capacidades de los líderes del sector para avanzar en el trabajo territorial en la defensa de una visión de derechos humanos en la conservación y el desarrollo del mar, y las zonas costeras donde la pesca artesanal de pequeña escala cumple un papel fundamental en la seguridad alimentaria y la reducción de la pobreza.


Para el fortalecimiento de capacidades se han generado una serie de materiales importantes.   


Manual de Capacitación sobre las Directrices Voluntarias para la Sostenibilidad de la pesca en pequeña escala en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria y erradicación de la pobreza:



Trabajo y empleo decente:



Trabajo y empleo decente en la pesca artesanal:



La Pesca Artesanal:



La participación de las mujeres en la pesca artesanal:



La niñez y la juventud en la pesca:



Directrices voluntarias para asegurar la pesca sostenible en pequeña escala – documento debate: Una versión para TODOS:



Directrices voluntarias (versión garífuna)



Video Directrices preparado por CoopeSoliDar R.L:



Junto a la FAO y al gobierno de Costa Rica se desarrollaron los siguientes videos:


Directrices voluntarias para la sostenibilidad de pesca en pequeña escala en Costa Rica:


Costa Rica:



Regional y Nacional



A nivel regional se cuenta con un proyecto endosado por la década de los océanos, 197 con Honduras:


ID 197 "Costa Rica and Honduras Collective Action for the Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for the Sustainability of Small - Scale Fishing in the context of food security and a poverty eradication" 


Desde esta perspectiva, Costa Rica ha avanzado en la implementación de las Directrices:


  1. Se cuenta con liderazgos fortalecidos y claros sobre la importancia de las Directrices para la defensa de una visión de derechos humanos para la pesca artesanal de pequeña escala.


  1. Se han fortalecido las alianzas y liderazgos para su implementación entre países de la región.


  1. Se han generado políticas  para fortalecer el trabajo de campo que implemente los principios y valores que las directrices plantearon.


  1. Se han abierto espacios importantes para el debate y la discusión del sector a nivel de toda la región.









¿Cuáles han sido los retos a los que el país se ha enfrentado para su implementación?


  • Una sobrevaloración de los organismos internacionales de que la implementación de las Directrices solamente se mide en función de lo que los gobiernos hagan o implementen, no se valora ni reconoce el trabajo de la sociedad civil y menos aún el de las organizaciones de pescadores (as). 
  • Desigualdad en el apoyo técnico y financiero para el apoyo de las mismas estructuras nacionales de pescadores o regionales en el caso de acuerdos entre organizaciones pesqueras para trabajar el tema.
  • Resistencia práctica y territorial a una visión de derechos humanos en la conservación del mar y el desarrollo costero por parte de muchos gobiernos.
  • Un impulso fuertísimo a la economía azul y falla a la defensa de este sector artesanal de pequeña escala a estas enormes industrias.
  • Discurso falso desde la visión economicista y estatal sosteniendo que los problemas estructurales que sufre el sector se solucionaran con su integración a sectores como el turismo, la acuicultura, la pesca deportiva o el 30 x 30.

A una década de la aprobación de las Directrices debe de reflexionarse muy desde lo actuado que haríamos o no haríamos de nuevo para avanzar en el importante reto de la implementación de este instrumento:

Desde nuestra experiencia en Costa Rica podemos decir lo siguiente:

-Las Directrices y el esfuerzo desarrollado desde sociedad civil para su implementación, han permitido el fortalecimiento y el reconocimiento del sector artesanal de pequeña escala y lo han fortalecido para enfrentar momentos de angustia como lo fue el COVID y en el caso de Costa Rica una acelerada voluntad sin la apropiada consulta a la sociedad civil  voluntad para el cumplimiento del 30 x 30 en afectación del sector.

-Los materiales y el trabajo de fortalecimiento de capacidades han sido clave para preparar a líderes que hoy defienden a nivel global su sector y los derechos con profundo conocimiento del contenido de las Directrices. Se ha fortalecido el trabajo en Red que hoy hacen del sector artesanal de pequeña escala en Costa Rica uno con visión y fortaleza para plantear un futuro,  en contraposición a las tendencias de la economía azul, defendiendo su cultura e identidad.  (https://coopesolidar.org/iii-congreso-de-nacional-de-pescadores-as-artesanales-molusqueros-as-de-pequena-escala-2023/  ).

-Si bien desde la perspectiva de FAO e internacionalmente, solamente se ha dado crédito a los procesos desarrollados por los gobiernos, las Directrices, gracias al trabajo fuerte y abnegado de las organizaciones pesqueras de pequeña escala en Costa Rica, y el apoyo de la sociedad civil, las Directrices y sus principios fundamentales  podrían llegar a ser una Ley de la República brindando indudables beneficios al trabajo del sector.

-Es claro que el movimiento social de organizaciones de pesca artesanal de pequeña escala lleva su propio momento y fortaleza en el tema de cómo,  cuándo y para qué se deben de implementar estas Directrices.

Una Llamada a la Acción de la Pesca Artesanal de Pequeña Escala:


Como trabajar con nosotros: Normas de Conducta para trabajar con pescadores /as artesanales y trabajadores de la pesca de pequeña escala para salvar nuestro océano:
