Partenariat pour des systèmes agroalimentaires durables et l'environnement

Dernières nouvelles et mises à jour du partenariat

L’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) a réaffirmé son engagement à apporter son appui au Gouvernement Ivoirien dans le cadre de la mise en place des chaines de valeurs agricoles durables.
L’apiculture en tant que moyen de subsistance dans les forêts des zones arides de Gambie
41 alternatives to chemical pesticides have been popularized and promoted in West Africa and Sahel, within the framework of the regional project on Elimination of Obsolete Pesticides including Persistent Organic Pollutants and Strengthening Pesticide Management coordinated by FAO with the financi...
With record funding for the GEF-8 replenishment, FAO has opportunities to continue supporting countries in transforming their agri-food systems to be greener and more climate resilient and help reverse catastrophic environmental trends.
A new series of FAO e-learning courses on greenhouse gas inventories will help countries meet their commitments to the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)
Story of a young woman’s resilience and her trust in climate-smart farming despite the challenges posed by the changing climate.
Since 2016, FAO and its partners such as ECOWAS, UEMOA and CILSS, with the financial support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), have been implementing the Regional Project on Elimination of Obsolete Pesticides including POPs and Strengthening Pesticide Management in CILSS Member S...
28 February 2022, Nairobi, Kenya - FAO and UNEP, as co-leads for the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, launched the call for World Restoration Flagships under the UN Decade during a high-level flagship side event at the fifth session of the UN Environment
A regional strategy for the centralization, securing, and disposal of obsolete pesticide stocks was finalized in a inclusive process with stakeholders and implementing partners of the FAO-GEF project, Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides including POPs and Strengthening Pesticide Management i...
Here’s what FAO's partnership with the GEF is doing helping in this United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: From commitments to actions for nature
New generations of students help adapt local knowledge and practices to a changing world
41 alternatives to chemical pesticides have been popularized and promoted in West Africa and Sahel, within the framework of the regional project on Elimination of Obsolete Pesticides including Persistent Organic Pollutants and Strengthening Pesticide Management coordinated by FAO with the financi...
This publication was produced to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Global Environment Facility, with contributions from across the GEF community, it includes reflections from governments, agencies, conventions and other partners on three decades of co
Eight countries will benefit from projects to address land degradation, biodiversity and sustainability of marine resources
The December 2021 Work Program approved during the 61st GEF Council has programmed over USD 13.6 million for four FAO-led projects set to benefit eight countries.
The contribution of Gulmira and everyone to counter soil degradation processes is celebrated annually on 5 December, World Soil Day.
Degradation of forest and land resources has been identified as major impediments to sustainable development in Zimbabwe. To avert this, FAO is leading project under the Drylands Impact Program to promote sustainable forest and land management in dryland
Les artisans pêcheurs et les petits aquaculteurs chiliens doivent adapter leurs moyens d’existence.