Partenariat pour des systèmes agroalimentaires durables et l'environnement


New fund to drive conservation, sustainability of wild species, ecosystems 


How can we nourish 8 billion people with less biodiversity loss, climate change, ecosystem degradation, and pollution?

Dernières nouvelles et mises à jour du partenariat

The webpage elaborates on FAO-led projects approved in the December 2020 work program under GEF-7
The 59th GEF Council agreed to support a FAO project in Brazil with a funding of USD 3.4 million
A USD 6.3 million will support Chile in deploying actions related to the restoration and conservation of the landscape, biodiversity and ecosystem services.
In a webinar with GEF CEO, Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, FAO addresses how investing in carbon sequestration, both in vegetation and in soils, can help meet the Paris Agreement.
FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, and the President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at strengthening collaboration on eradicating hunger and achieving food security in Argentina and in the world.
Our world’s oceans may be a mystery to us, but they’re the source of livelihoods of many fishermen (and women) around the world. The article takes a deep dive into how this ancient tradition is adapting to the modern conditions.
Coastal Fisheries Initiative teams up with female fishers to keep the food chain alive
L'initiative vise à restaurer le paysage dégradé et à renforcer le développement socio-économique des communautés locales.
Le projet national de l'Initiative pour la Restauration (TRI) à Sao Tomé-et-Principe travaille à soutenir des chaînes de valeur de proximité basées sur l'exploitation durable des produits forestiers non ligneux.
The webinar will highlight global and national efforts’ on forest monitoring that support the implementation of the transparency framework under the Paris Agreement.
Des femmes autochtones portent un projet FAO-FEM de conservation des forêts.
Can solid data inform good decisions when it comes to sustainable forest management? FAO is working with the GEF through the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency to help countries expand their data collection and analysis capabilities in support
En cette Journée mondiale de l’alimentation, la FAO réitère son engagement à collaborer avec le FEM pour trouver des solutions adaptées à la communauté formée des États membres des deux organismes et des populations qu’ils représentent.
Register for this online learning event to better understand how FAO is building capacity towards enhanced transparency in the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector
María Cristina protège des arbres préhistoriques menacés parce que nous avons besoin d’écosystèmes en bonne santé pour rester en bonne santé
The virtual event will launch the “FAO Green Cities Action Programme”, a new initiative focusing on small, intermediate and metropolitan cities that aims to improve people’s wellbeing through increased availability of and access to products and services p
23rd September, 2020: This international technical webinar aims to give a general overview of the ongoing work being done in the African region on forest monitoring and climate action; present the “Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency – Forest
Des jardins potagers pour nourrir les familles et les communautés à Sri Lanka
The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has called for a "brave, visionary and collaborative" response to COVID-19.
FAO's Life and Nature project in Cambodia aims to improve adaptive capacity of rural communities to impacts of climate change and strengthen ecosystem services to support agriculture and to attain food security.