Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) and HACCP Toolbox for Food Safety

GHP - Section 2- Primary production

This guidance document provides detailed instructions on how to identify potential hazards in primary production and information on how to control them.

The types of activities involved in raising animals, growing crops, farming fish, hunting and fishing can introduce multiple hazards that can enter the food chain at the stage of primary production. Food safety along the value chain can only be assured if primary production activities are managed in a way that reduces the likelihood of introducing a contaminant that could affect the safety of the food, or make it unsuitable for consumption. 

Consult the guidance document on primary production for guidance on how to: 

  • identify potential hazards in primary production; and 
  • understand the principles of how hazards can be minimized and controlled by following Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Hygiene Practices (GHP). 

Further Readings

The selected links refer to online sources relevant to the Section on Primary production of the FAO GHP and HACCP Toolbox for Food Safety. The chosen links provide valuable online information to gain more in-depth topical knowledge.

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