HACCP - Step 1: assemble HACCP team and identify scope of the HACCP system
This guidance document provides detailed information on how to assemble a HACCP team (Step 1) to develop an effective HACCP system, and how the HACCP team should identify its scope.
The effectiveness of a HACCP team depends on individuals with the appropriate knowledge and expertise of the food operation to ensure that an effective HACCP plan can be developed, implemented and maintained. The team members must be able to identify hazards and describe and design the appropriate measures to prevent food safety issues for consumers. Without a strong HACCP team, a food business’s HACCP system will not succeed.
Consult the guidance document on how to assemble the HACCP team and how to identify the scope of the HACCP plan to:
- assemble a multidisciplinary HACCP team with the necessary capacities;
- define the roles and responsibilities of the HACCP team; and
- identify the scope of the HACCP system and the applicable prerequisite or GHP programmes.
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