Building Forward Better

Learning resources

This section presents the training materials produced during the capacity-development courses, including trainers’ presentations, sessions’ recordings and additional knowledge products shared during the training.

The training methodology

In order to reach the most qualified set of audiences, and to adapt contents to the varying “knowledge gaps” of the target countries, the project has been designed to include a combination of different training methods including e-learning, face-to-face and blended activities.

The learning components

The e-learning component includes the following types of training activities:

  • E-nuggets – Short online training designed to introduce a topic and provide examples and best practices through the presentation of case studies.
  • Online administered courses – Full-day training, along 2-3 days, that include group activities, personal assignments, tutorials of tools application and showcasing video materials and interviews.
  • Self-administered courses – Online self-training to address single topics, exploring one or more specific facets.
  • Face-to-face training – One week in-person training on selected topics covering one or more thematic areas, including workshops and field visits.
E-nuggets – Thematic areas
  • Water productivity
  • Land resources planning
  • Water use efficiency and performance assessment
  • Renewable energy use for irrigation
  • Hydro-economic modelling for river basin management
  • Integrated drought management
  • Water harvesting and agroforestry
  • Irrigation asset management
  • Monitoring and evaluation
Online administered courses – Thematic areas
  • Water Productivity – The AquaCrop model and its evolution
  • Water Use Efficiency and data acquisition systems
  • Operation and maintenance of solar-powered irrigation systems
  • Integrated drought management – The three pillars
  • Land degradation neutrality, land governance and tenure security
  • Water harvesting and agroforestry – Microclimate management
  • Hydro-economic modelling approaches, components and economic concepts
Self-administered courses
  • Water Productivity – Irrigation management under saline conditions (available also in French)
  • Water Productivity – Impact assessment of climate change on crop production and adaptation measures under arid and semiarid conditions (available also in French)
  • Water Productivity – Multi-functional paddy fields and on-farm water management
  • Water Use Efficiency – Rapid Appraisal Procedure (RAP) for pressurized irrigation systems 
  • Water Use Efficiency – Drone-imagery based assessment for canal lining
  • Hydro economic modelling
  • Integrated Drought Management – Drought impact assessment: mitigation and adaptation measures (available also in French)
  • Climate change & agriculture – Impact assessment of climate change on crop production and adaptation measures under arid and semiarid conditions
Face-to-face training – Thematic areas
  • Water Productivity
  • Water Use Efficiency
  • Renewable energy use for irrigation
  • Water harvesting and agroforestry
  • Integrated Drought Management
  • Natural resources management policy in fragile contexts

In support to trainees’ participation, selected online resources including videos, presentations, guidelines, publications, exercises and simulations have been shared with participants before the online events to build/refresh knowledge on certain topics or methodologies.