Building Forward Better

Online administered training on Water Use Efficiency and performance assessment – Day 2, 15 December 2020

The Rapid Appraisal Procedure (RAP) in performance assessment

Performance assessment methodologies for system-level appraisals and the RAP

Video 1: Information acquisition in data-poor environment (presented by Eva Pek, FAO)
Video 2: Innovative tools for data acquisition – deployed SCADA system (presented by Eva Pek, FAO)
Video 3: Innovative tools for data acquisition – Optic technology. Interview with Salvador Peña-Haro (Photrack AG)

Management appraisal

Video 4: Rapid Appraisal Procedure – Management appraisal (presented by Eva Pek, FAO)
Video 5: Life-cycle cost analysis of irrigation assets (presented by Akhter Ali, FAO)

Water service

Video 6: RAP Water service appraisal (presented by Eva Pek, FAO)
Video 7: A semi-automated image analysis algorithm for the assessment of canal lining (presented by Waqas Ahmad, FAO)
Video 8: Innovation toolbox to improve WUE – The Water Retainer technology. Interview to Richard Vattay, Water and Soil Limited
Video 9: Agriculture, the cause and driver of water resource degradation. Interview to Prof. Issam Bashour, American University of Beirut
Video 10: A case study from Lebanon: the Discharge application (FAO)

Towards informed decision-making in irrigation development

Video 11: Software tool for RAP (presented by Kornel Kalman, FAO)