Building Forward Better

Self-administered course

About the course

This course presents the basic concepts and theory of Hydro-Economic Modelling complemented by a practical exercise with a real-life case scenario.

The course is composed of 3 modules:

  • Module 1: Theory of hydro-economic models
  • Module 2: Elements of hydro-economic models
  • Module 3: Hydro-economic models in practice

System requirements

This course can be accessed online, clicking on the links below, without registration. It runs on the latests versions of major browsers, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari.


This course targets professionals, technicians and decision makers from relevant ministries, research institutes, and national institutions operating in the field of irrigation and water management.

Module 1: Theory of Hydro-Economic Models

    Learning objectives

    Upon completion of this section, you will be able to:

    • Explain the principles of Hydro-Economic Modelling
    • Identify the main types of Hydro-Economic Models
    • List and explain the purposes of Hydro-Economic Modelling
      Structure of the course
      • Section 1: Principles and scope
        • Chapter 1. The need for Hydro-Economic Models
        • Chapter 2. Hydro side of Hydro-Economic Models
        • Chapter 3. Economic side of Hydro-Economic Models
        • Chapter 4. Different types of Hydro-Economic Models
      • Section 2: Module challenge

      Module 2: Elements of Hydro-Economic Models

      Learning objectives

      Upon completion of this section, you will be able to:

      • Explain the basic components of Hydro-Economic Models
      • Understand how a Hydro-Economic Model operates
      Structure of the course

      Section 1: Representation and data

      • Chapter 1. Module representation
      • Chapter 2. Running the model
      • Chapter 3. Assessing the outputs

      Section 2: Module challenge

      Module 3: Hydro-Economic Models in practice 

      Learning objectives

      Upon completion of this section, you will be able to:

      • Follow the basic steps of implementing a HEM for a case study
      • Adapt modelling choices to a case study
      • Analyse trade-offs for multiple objectives and scenarios
      • Understand the limitations of any modelling approach to real problems
      Structure of the course

      • Chapter 1. Setting the scene
      • Chapter 2. Arriving in the field
      • Chapter 3. Developing the model
      • Chapter 4. Assessing the scenarios
      • Chapter 5. Reporting and conclusions
      • Chapter 5. Final thoughts

      Thematic areas

      Published in July 2022

      Duration of each module: 20-30 minutes