Building Forward Better

E-nugget n. 9 – Hydro-Economic Modelling

Virtual Event, 30/06/2020

The ninth e-nugget of the series organized by the Land and Water Division will present Hydro-Economic Modelling as a tool to integrate spatially-distributed water resources, economic values, infrastructure, and management policies on one side, and to optimize water allocation between different uses across time and space, taking into account various physical, economic, environmental and institutional constraints, on the other.

The training will focus on:

  • Increasing water demands and limited supplies;
  • River basin closure;
  • Policy context: IWRM principles;
  • Analytical tools: Trade-off assessment, Pareto frontier, hydrologic and economic impacts of new projects/alternative management options, climate change;
  • Case studies: The Zambesi and the Senegal River basins.

The training will be delivered by Prof. Amaury Tilmant (Universitè Laval, Canada) and Claudia Casarotto  (Innovations for Poverty Actions), in English with French subtitles.

Training material