Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD)
Asia and the Pacific Region

Create strategic partnerships and scale-up the expertise of the private sector to prepare for, prevent, detect and respond to animal disease emergencies

Transboundary animal diseases are contagious epidemic diseases that can spread rapidly, irrespective of national borders. Such diseases cause animal sickness and death, thereby having serious socio-economic and sometimes public health consequences while threatening the livelihoods of all stakeholders involved in the livestock value chain.

The private sector is essential to address current and future animal diseases, including zoonotic diseases, with over 70 percent of animal agriculture firms estimated to be at high risk of fostering future zoonotic diseases, according to FAIRR. For this reason, FAO ECTAD seeks to leverage the expertise and resources of the private sector to improve the preparedness, prevention, detection and response to animal disease threats.

FAO engages private sector entities at all levels–from international to regional to national–including business associations, multinational companies, micro, small and medium enterprises around a wide range of activities as follows:

  • Access to diagnostics and vaccines against animal diseases (affordable supply, quality control, cold chain management etc.);
  • Sharing of best practices and data to improve transboundary animal disease surveillance;
  • Provision of training and ensuring compliance with animal health standards in relevant settings, such as farms, abattoirs, quarantine facilities etc.;
  • Public-private dialogues to promote regulations for better animal health and a fair, level playing field across livestock value chains; and,
  • Awareness-raising activities for the prevention and impact of transboundary animal diseases.

 This engagement aims to achieve more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable livestock and animal health sectors in the region as a key partnership area toward achieving the SDGs. FAO welcomes opportunities to work together towards more long-term sustainable solutions consistent with its Strategic Framework for better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind.