Livestock and enteric methane



Multiple stakeholders from Zambia's livestock and climate change sectors recently convened to discuss climate actions in livestock systems during a national workshop organized by FAO in collaboration with the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock of Zambia. The workshop served as a platform to enhance participants' knowledge of the livestock sector's contributions to climate change and its vulnerabilities and to raise awareness among policymakers and practitioners on these issues. 

FAO Virtual Learning Centres have launched a new self-paced virtual course to address mounting concerns over climate change and its potential impact on livestock production.

The livestock sector in Zambia plays a key role in the economy and rural livelihoods. The industry is growing and contributes about 42 percent to the agricultural GDP, employing over 50 percent of the population in rural areas. Despite Zambia’s vast availability of resources, low productivity ...


Aligning livestock policies with the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) is crucial for steering Kenya towards robust climate action. Given the significance of the livestock sector in the economy, Kenya's efforts in mitigating climate change largely depend on this alignment. However, ensuring this synergy is a complex process that necessitates systematic review and strategic planning. 


Livestock stakeholders in Rwanda recently convened to discuss the outcomes of the assessment conducted on livestock climate actions and the baseline data of greenhouse gas emissions originating from dairy cattle systems. The purpose of this gathering was to explore ways to enhance the country's efforts in mitigating climate change impacts associated with the livestock sector.


Rwanda will host a multi-stakeholder workshop to review its livestock and climate policy environment and discuss opportunities to enhance livestock climate actions.

The livestock sector holds significant socioeconomic importance in Costa Rica, covering a substantial 37 percent of the national territory. 

A recent FAO study compared the effect of reducing enteric methane emissions using different market-based instruments. Using the FAO Livestock Policy Simualtion Model (LPSM) and taking Uruguay’s dairy sector as a case study, the analy...

Livestock production is the main economic source from the agricultural sector of Costa Rica.  According to FAO Stats, Costa Rica's national cattle herd counted over 1 306 500  animals in 2021, and generates employment and income for many producers and stakeholders throughout the country. 

Senegal has recognized the importance of aligning its national determined contributions (NDCs) to national policies and regulations in order to set ambitious and effective climate goals.

The livestock sector in Senegal is one of the main source of methane and other greenhouse gas emissi...