Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics


The Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics-Phase II (GSARS-II) has achieved a significant milestone with the finalization of the Food Balance Sheets (FBS) package, which represents a tremendous step forward in enhancing agricultural data systems across Nigeria, Mali, Comoros, and Zimbabwe. 
The Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics Phase 2 (GSARS-II) has successfully concluded a training workshop in Togo. Led by expert trainer Edgard Yves DIDAVI, the training focused on the advancement of strategic planning for agricultural and rural statistics (SPARS).

The Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics Phase 2 (GSARS-II), in its commitment to enhancing agricultural and rural statistics, has successfully concluded an advanced training workshop in Mali. The workshop, held from November 19th to December 2nd, 2023, focused on ...


The 3rd meeting of the Global Steering Committee (GSC), held on January 16, 2024, marked a significant milestone in the continued support and development of agricultural and rural statistics in Africa. The meeting, chaired by Oliver Chinganya, convened key international stakeholders and committee members virtually, reaffirming their commitment to advancing the programme's objectives. 


Washington D.C. – The International Conference on Agricultural Statistics...


From November 20-23, 2023, a FAO mission was held in Zambia, concluding the technical assistance to improve the agricultural statistical system of Zambia within the Global strategy.  


The 28th Session of the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics (AFCAS), held from December 4-8, 2023, in Johannesburg, South Africa, was themed “Leveraging Data & Statistics for Agri-Food Systems Transformation in Africa.” Bringing together senior statistics officials from across the continent, AFCAS 28 focused on reviewing the state of food and agricultural statistics in Africa, providing a crucial platform for idea exchange and the advancement of agricultural statistical systems in line with FAO's objectives.  

En Côte d’Ivoire, une série d'ateliers de formation facilités par le programme GSARS s'est achevée avec succès. Dirigé avec diligence par l'expert Abdoulaye BA, le dernier d’une série de trois ateliers techniques a été organisé du 20 au 24 novembre 2023 à Abidjan pour encourager l'amélioration de l'accessibilité et de l'utilisation des données agrégées d’enquêtes agricoles. 

In a significant step towards enhancing agricultural and rural statistics, a training workshop focusing on data processing and analysis was recently concluded in Luanda. Organized from November 6 to 10, 2023, under the Global Strategy for the Improvement of Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARSII), the event marked a pivotal moment in Angola's efforts to adopt modern statistical methods for sustainable agricultural production used for policymaking in rural development. 

In a dynamic workshop hosted in Lomé, Togo, from November 15 to 17, 2023, a total of 27 participants, led by facilitator Edgard Yves DIDAVI, came together to dive into Togo's agricultural statistical landscape. This collaborative effort, made possible through the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), marks a significant step in strengthening Togo's capabilities in agricultural and rural statistics. 


In a significant step towards enhancing Lesotho's statistical capabilities, the Lesotho National Statistics Agency (LNSA) recently concluded a crucial workshop under the umbrella of the second phase of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS). Held at the FAO office in Maseru from November 6 to 10, 2023, the training focused on advancing the AGPROD programme with the guidance of expert trainer Abdelkader TALHAOUI. 

A training workshop on Master Sampling Frames (MSF) has recently concluded in Conakry, marking a crucial step forward in the development of Guinea's agricultural statistics capabilities. The training, which was held from October 23 to 27, 2023 - part of the second phase of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS II)- was facilitated by Audrier Sanou and Elisée Tchana and has laid a robust foundation for enhanced sampling strategies for agricultural surveys. 

From November 6 to 10, 2023, the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Development convened in Nairobi for a critical technical assistance mission on Master Sampling Frames (MSF). This hands-on workshop, part of the Global Strategy to I...


From 23 to 31 October 2023, Zimbabwe hosted a hands-on Data Analysis Workshop, significantly advancing its agricultural statistics capabilities. Stella Wambugu and Franck Cachia, expert trainers, led 16 participants from ZIMSTAT and the Ministry of Agriculture in this practical training, which was about more than learning; it was a preparation for a future where data drives excellence in agricultural statistics and policy-making. 

In alignment with the second phase of the Global Strategy for Improving Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS II), Zimbabwe, at its request, has been receiving crucial assistance from the FAO in formulating a Strategic Plan on Agricultural and Rural Statistics (SPARS). This vital process encompasses the development of a roadmap, an in-depth assessment of agricultural and rural statistics, and meticulous action planning. The essence of this initiative was encapsulated in a five-day technical mission aimed at bolstering the roadmap development in the initial phase of the SPARS process. The mission’s primary objectives included a comprehensive review of the available information for the country in close collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and other key national stakeholders.
A training workshop on the Calculation of Indicators was held in Conakry, Guinea, from October 10 to 13, 2023, guided by expert Maurice Taondyandé. This training was a key part of the second phase of the Global Strategy for the Improvement of Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARSII), focusing on enhancing the capacity of national staff in agricultural statistics. The workshop was inaugurated by representatives from the FAO office in Guinea and the director of the food security information system of ANASA, with the participation of eleven attendees, including two women.

From 18-22 September 2023, Guinea embarked on a vital initiative to bolster its agricultural data collection capabilities through a workshop as part of the second phase of the Global Strategy for the Improvement of Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARSII). This program is pivotal for improving the nation's capacity to gather comprehensive data on agricultural losses, a key element of an integrated national agricultural statistics system. Under the guidance of trainer Audrier Sanou, the workshop engaged twelve data collection agents—of which 58% were women—in an intensive training aimed at enhancing both their technical skills and their understanding of the nuances involved in agricultural surveys. 

En RDC, une série d'ateliers de formation facilités par le programme GSARS s'est achevée avec succès. Dirigé avec diligence par l'expert Abdoulaye BA, le dernier d’une série de trois ateliers techniques a été organisé du 23 au 28 octobre 2023 à Kinshasa pour encourager l'amélioration de l'accessibilité et de l'utilisation des microdonnées d’enquêtes agricoles. Des thématiques telles que les techniques de communication et de diffusion statistiques ou encore le standard « Open Data » avaient pu être abordés lors des deux premières formations (organisées en Juin et Juillet 2023).

The second phase of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS) has identified several assistance themes aimed at strengthening the capacities of national agricultural statistical systems in terms of accountability and policy development. In line with this initiative, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has been supporting 25 African countries on various themes based on their specific needs. Mali has selected, among others, the themes of economic indicators (FARMECO), agricultural losses (PERTES), farm typology (TEA), and food balance sheets (BA). This mission, led by Samba CISSE and Hamidou KONKOBO, was instrumental in disseminating the results of all GSARS II activities conducted in the country. 


The consistent and accurate dissemination of official statistics is a primary goal for national statistical systems agencies (SSN), a principle emphasized by the United Nations' Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (UNFPOS).  It is in this context that, from 09 ...