Dialogue and Consultation

Dialogue and Consultation

The work under this area of work focusses on securing the existence of a permanent platform of communication and dialogue where national and international policies, strategies, challenges and constraints can be discussed and addressed

Coordination, harmonization, ownership and alignment can only be reached through extensive dialogue and consultation with stakeholders and partners.

The FAO GLOBEFISH organizes and facilitates meetings, regional workshops, expert consultations and conferences and promotes and supports FAO member countries participation to international fora and events.

Our work in action

The FAO GLOBEFISH takes part to international trade fairs, discussions and fora to present its work and promote consultation with stakeholders and partners. The FAO GLOBEFISH is often present with a booth where latest information, publications and updates are discussed and disseminated.

Regional and subregional conferences are organised by the Fish INFONetwork, with the participation of the FAO GLOBEFISH, to promote regional consultations with stakeholders and partners and to assist with implementation of international guidelines and conventions in the trade segment of the fisheries and aquaculture sector.

FAO GLOBEFISH promotes and support FAO members participation to international fora and events, by covering travel, translation and interpretation costs, to gain a better comprehension of international fisheries trade regulations and market access issues, as well as to discuss the policies and industry’s current challenges

The GLOBEFISH promotes and engage in expert consultations to promote dialogue and alignment among stakeholders

Since 2014, the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and FAO GLOBEFISH organise the Vigo Dialogue, a crucial benchmark annual event dedicated to promoting and advocating for fair working conditions in the fisheries and aquaculture sector. The Vigo Dialogue serves as a forum to facilitate an open discussion amongst relevant stakeholders in the sector seeking to identify social concerns and challenges to ensure decent working conditions, and to collectively prioritize actions.