Data and market analysis

Data and market analysis

The work under this area of work focusses on the regular production and dissemination of comprehensive market studies, price reports, analysis and statistical information for fisheries and aquaculture products.

More than a third of the world’s fish production is traded internationally and, looking ahead, the market of fisheries and aquaculture products will rapidly continue its growth.
As the fisheries and aquaculture sector increasingly relies on regional and international trade for its development, it has become crucial for those involved to have consistent, timely, independent and trusted market information.
Since 1984 the FAO GLOBEFISH project has been producing and disseminating easily accessible information and analysis in various formats to assist designing and implementing efficient and inclusive market and trade strategies and to facilitate access and participation in a rapidly changing globalized economy.

The FAO GLOBEFISH produces information and publications regularly, thanks to the extensive network of correspondents from the industry and direct access to most updated statistical data source.

Our work in action

Published quarterly, it gives accurate and up-to-date information on international seafood market trends covering trade flows and prices for 13 species

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A monthly publication containing prices for 500 fish products in the European market and provides an overview of global market trends

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Published quarterly, it provides regulatory updates, news from industry, trends, commodity updates, prices and events about the most important species produced in China

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It puts current market prices for 350 products in an easily accessible interface. Prices are updated weekly on Mondays drawing from large wholesale and first-sale markets

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They include information on fish production, imports, exports, as well as an overview of the fisheries and aquaculture sector in over 200 countries and territories

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Latest market news and updates on production, prices, supply and demand worldwide are regularly published by the FAO GLOBEFISH

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FAO GLOBEFISH is also member of the editorial board that works towards the compilation and revision of the State of Word Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) report, the biennial publication of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Division.

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