Monitoring and Analysing Food and Agricultural Policies



Rwanda is home to around 300 000 Irish potato smallholder farmers and is one of the top ten producers of Irish potatoes in Africa, with an estimated production of about 908 000 tonnes in 2022. However, market prices have risen so much so that they doubled in price from RWF 262 per kg in 2021 to RWF 561 per kg in 2023. The study recommends a new formula to calculate a reference price as well as other recommendations.


Building on the previous work by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) supporting the identification of priority agricultural sectors and possible locations with high agricultural transformation potential in Uganda, this technical study provides more granular information from Ugandan farmers and district agriculture officers on which investments are needed the most to increase productivity.


In Uganda, 58 percent of households depend on livestock for their livelihoods, with cattle being the most important livestock subsector in the country. Despite natural pastures, water resources, and big demand in national and world...


The production and use of evidence for agricultural policy is critical to prioritizing and targeting effective agricultural transformation reforms in African countries. International development organizations have supported programmes that promote evidence-informed policies, however, this support...


The production and use of evidence for agricultural policy is critical to prioritizing and targeting effective agricultural transformation reforms in African countries. International development organizations, like FAO, have supported programmes that promote evidence-informed policies. This...


The dairy sector accounts for 6.5 percent of Uganda’s agricultural gross domestic product and is a key industry outlined in Uganda’s Third National Development Plan. Dairy export revenues reached a record high of UGX 358.6...


Agricultural transformation has been ongoing for decades in Ethiopia where the agenda to improve nutrition has also gained momentum. This paper assesses ways in which the government could coherently pursue the objectives of reducing the cost of the least cost healthy diet for Ethiopians and achieving faster inclusive agricultural transformation (IAT), for example by increasing agrifood output, creating rural off-farm employment and reducing rural poverty.


This policy brief highlights the main challenges of public spending on food and agriculture in selected sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries. Public spending – or expenditure – on food and agriculture is widely accepted as the...


This paper proposes a simple methodology to select a limited number of geographical areas to prioritize for commodity-specific investments in Uganda. Similar to other approaches for prioritizing investments geographically, the basic idea behind the proposed method is that districts with high agro-ecological potential, that are also far from their potential and have high levels of poverty, should be prioritized for commodity-specific investments.


The livestock sector accounts for about 17 percent of agricultural value added and 4.3 percent of Ugandan GDP. Among the livestock subsectors, cattle is the most important one, as Uganda has 14.2 million cattle, of...