Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches
for Food Security and Nutrition

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WFP in the framework of the JP GTA focused one of its monthly 'Gender Equality Brown Bag' sessions in June 2023 on key data emerging from FAO’s recently published 'Status of Women in Agrifood Systems' report and on the potential of innovative approaches to trigger gender transformative change in agrifood systems.



IFAD in the context of the JP GTA has partnered with Procasur to organize a Learning Route on gender transformative approaches in the district of Blantyre in Malawi from 29 May to 3 June 2023.



Three UN agencies foster the empowerment of rural women by promoting their access to productive resources and capacity building for development and leadership.


A community-led initiative to foster children's education enrolls 32 children in newly built nursery, with support from FAO through the Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches for Food Security and Nutrition (JP GTA).



'Raíz de la igualdad' ("the root of equality"): a meeting of rural women leaders to strengthen food security, organized by WFP in the framework of the JP GTA, highlights the stories of three female producers in Ecuador.



FAO is promoting sustainable and inclusive development through the Dimitra Clubs approach in Ecuador, a gender transformative approach implemented for the first time in Latin America to promote community engagement for the wellbeing of women, men and youth in rural areas.



A CFS side event co-organized by the JP GTA in October 2022 highlighted how gender transformative approaches have the power to address the underlying causes of gender inequalities and improve food security and nutrition by focusing on discriminatory social norms.



A passion for sustainable agriculture brought together rural associations and technicians from government institutions in Guayas and Morona Santiago, with the aim of facilitating transformative processes that promote gender equality in their communities.



A five-week virtual training course organized by the JP GTA in May-June 2022 provided the first ever opportunity for employees of the Rome-based Agencies and EU Delegations to jointly learn in a concerted and structured manner about social norms concepts and norms-shifting approaches for gender equality and women’s empowerment.



To share the preliminary findings of a social norms diagnostic study conducted by the JP GTA and CARE International in Malawi, review their implications and determine possible programme adjustments, CARE facilitated a two-day reflection and Outcome Mapping workshop in Lilongwe in May 2022.