Se están organizando cientos de actividades y actos en todo el mundo para promover el Año Internacional del Mijo. Haga clic en el mapa de abajo para encontrar una actividad o un acto cerca de usted.

Todos (organizaciones no gubernamentales, periodistas, gobiernos, ciudades, miembros de la sociedad civil, organizaciones de investigación y desarrollo o particulares) pueden aprovechar esta oportunidad para hacer un llamamiento a la acción.

Planee un acto en línea o presencial del #IYM2023 o proporcione información al respecto en sus canales. Contáctenos si necesita ayuda: podemos proporcionarle una variedad de materiales promocionales en varios idiomas, desde carteles hasta diseños para objetos conmemorativos, vídeos, tiras publicitarias sobre los actos... No olvide incluir su acto en el mapa y crear una página de libre acceso sobre el acto (para ello, rellene el formulario que encontrará más abajo).

Toulouse (France)

Exposition " En plein dans le Mil "
11/05/2023 - 14/10/2023

2023 est l'Année Internationale du Mil. Et si cette céréale est bien connue en Afrique subsaharienne, en Inde ou encore en Chine, il reste souvent un...

Juan de Acosta (Colombia)

Jornada académica de celebración del Año Internacional del Mijo

Instituciones como el ICA, la Universidad del Atlántico, AGROSAVIA, la Alcaldía de Juan de Acosta, CARMILLO y los productores,...

Evento virtual

Business Incubator and Accelerator for Mountains and Islands
09/05/2023 - 31/05/2023

The Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), together with the Global Environment...

Evento híbrido, New Delhi (India)

Mera Millet Magic
04/05/2023 - 11/03/2023

Mera Millet Magic is a joint initiative of the Celiac Society of India, Asha Chandra Welfare Consultancy & shOObh Group Welfare Society.


Evento híbrido, Rome (Italy)

An Open Talk: The Relevance of the International Year of Millets in the context of Indigenous Peoples Food and Knowledge systems in India

On 28 April 2023, the Indigenous Peoples team at FAO held an open talk on the relevance of the International Year of Millets in the context of Indigenous...

太麻里 (台灣)

TTDARES Holds Lecture on Millets to Boost Teachers’ Knowledge of Food and Agriculture Education

In helping to promote the government’s policy of food and agriculture education, the Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (TTDARES)...

Evento virtual

Millets: Forgotten then found

Millets grow well in Bihar, a state in eastern India, but farmers stopped cultivating the crop and lost its seeds. The Food and Agriculture Organization...

Liège (Belgium)

Table ronde & Repas Solidaire autour du Millet - Festival Nourrir Liège 2023

Pour cette année 2023, le festival Nourrir Liège propose une réflexion active sur nos modes de production et de consommation et leur relation avec...

Montpellier (France)

Cultiver la diversité pour des systèmes alimentaires sains et résilients face aux changements globaux - Illustration à travers l'exemple des mils, céréales nourricières et résistantes à la sécheresse

Le mouvement de la révolution verte, dans les années 60-80, a permis d’augmenter considérablement la production agricole mondiale, accompagnant une...


TTDARES Promotes Food and Agriculture Education and Transmits Bunun Millet Offering Culture

In helping to promote the government’s policy of food and agriculture education, the Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (TTDARES)...

Evento virtual

Scientific Roundtable Discussion - Millets for Enhancing Agri-economy, Nutrition, Environmental and Sustainable Development Goals

The first International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) Scientific Roundtable of 2023 focuses on Millets for Enhancing Agri-economy,...

Evento virtual

Faced with climate change, India is leading a resurgence in millet cultivation

The UN has dubbed 2023 the year of millet, much to the delight of India, where the grain is indigenous. One of the oldest cereals known to human civilization,...

Evento virtual

Introduction to millets growing as a business in Zambia
25/03/2023 - 01/04/2023

Mulimi ampuzile, Ubuntu, Build Zambia 2064, ReSCOPE PROGRAMMES, and PLAEP are raising awareness in Zambia on the International Year of the Millets....

Berlin (Germany)

The Great Indian Food Festival 2023

Experience the rich flavors and cultural diversity of India at The Great Indian Food Festival in Berlin on March 25th, 2023. From 11:30 am to midnight,...

Masvingo (Zimbabwe)

International Year of Millets Celebration in Zimbabwe

Visiting officials from Italy, the FAO and the Secretariat of the 

Evento híbrido, New Delhi (India)

Global Millets (Shree Anna) Conference
18/03/2023 - 19/03/2023

The Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated the Global Millets (Shree Anna) Conference in New Delhi.

Ongole (India)

Eat Right Millet Mela and Walkathon - Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, India

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) Branch Office - Visakhapatnam with the support of FSSAI Southern Regional Office - Chennai...

Bhopal (India)

17/03/2023 - 18/03/2023

This food festival is organised in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. The festival will...

Evento virtual

IAEA and FAO Launch ‘Seeds in Space’ Youth Comic Book Competition
16/03/2023 - 16/04/2023

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 



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