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线上活动, 18/04/2024

Join us for this insightful webinar, a part of the FAO One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) webinar series, organized in collaboration with the govern...

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线上活动, 26/09/2023

Millets are expected to play a major role in global food security and hunger alleviation due to their high nutritional value and wide adaptability to the agro-ecological environment.

At the same time, millet has attracted little attention in agronomy and breeding research, thus its potentials have remained largely untapped. It is urgent to undertake research and international collabora...

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25/04/2024 - 26/04/2024

Agricultural leaders, policymakers, and high-level representatives from the global south gathered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 25-26 March 2024, to chart a course for collective action beyond the International Year of Millets 2023 (IYM2023). 

Key outcomes of the meeting included the development of plans for establishing Centers of Excellence on Millets in major m...

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罗马 (意大利), 混合事件, 29/03/2024


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Kampala (Uganda), 19/12/2023

FAO Uganda is hosting a millets festival in Kampala. The festival is expected to bring together key stakeholders in the agriculture industry, development partners, private sector representatives, youth organizations and students, media personnel and millet producers. 


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线上活动, 21/01/2024 - 30/06/2024

With Sub-Saharan Africa's population projected to double by 2050, the challenge of employing and providing enough food for all becomes crucial. But here's the exciting revelation: Africa's abundant local grains and ingredients offer a compelling solution that goes far beyond its borders. Across the continent, ingenious and sustainable food solutions are thriving, and they deserve the global ...

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(United States), 混合事件, 22/03/2023

Sorghum United will host the director of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organiza...

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线上活动, 29/11/2023

The United Nations General Assembly at its 75th Session in March 2021 declared 2023 the International Year of Millets (IYM 2023). As part of the IYM2023 celebration, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is organizing the “IYM Global Webinar Series” to highlight the various environmental, social and economic benefits of millets, their rich heritage and vast poten...

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中正區 (台灣), 17/11/2023 - 18/11/2023

 2011年,臺灣大學農藝學系名譽教授郭華仁從美國國家種原庫,引回了美國學者Wayne Hazen Fogg博士在1977年臺灣收集的小米種原,是小米重要的里程碑。2023年的種子生活節為呼應2聯合國糧食及農業組織宣布2023年小米國際年,以《台灣2023國際小米年》為題,邀請在台灣各地參與小米部落文化、歷史、儀典、復耕、加工銷售的講者,從他們的視角,分享你所不知道的豐富小米世界。 論壇涵蓋:【小米復育與文化】x【小米飲食】x【小米產業】

 👉【小米復育與文化】 主持人:巴清雄老師 與談人:歐春香、巴金雄、余桂榕、包光輝 小米是部落生活最重要的神聖作物,影響了祭典與文化,歌謠中也傳遞對小米周遭生態鏈的描述。原住民第一位農學博士巴清雄老師邀請來自台東排灣族的歐春香,談小米在台東復育成功案例分析;屏東魯凱族巴金雄,談小米種植的挑戰與困難;台東布農...

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线上活动, 31/08/2023

Among indigenous tribes in Taiwan, millets are important plants. Millets are not only recognized as food, but also carry many socio-culture meanings. However, due to changing eating habits and the influences of modern lifestyle, millet-related customs are gradually being lost. In Ryori.Taiwan* Issue No. 70, we record how the indigenous tribes try to bring millets back to their daily lives, f...

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(Taiwan), 16/08/2023

On 17 August, Ryori.Taiwan and Gamaisland (staff cafeteria of Gamania Group) jointly organised a millets banquet. The dinner was aimed at promoting the millet culture and showcasing its good...

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花蓮 (台灣), 30/04/2023 - 29/10/2023

響應國際小米類作物年 布農傳統作物進入校園午餐 慈心與企業攜手在地實踐ESG 今年,慈心有機農業發展基金會(以下簡稱「慈心」)在玉山銀行及玉山文教基金會的計劃支持下,向南安及周邊部落農友採購友善耕作的布農傳統雜糧,並與花蓮南區的營養午餐廠商清泉商行合作,於五月「全國布農月」及十月「全國布農運動會」期間,於每周一在白飯中添加布農黑芸豆和小米。供應範圍涵蓋卓溪鄉全區以及鄰近的玉里、富里等地區,合計23間國中小*註1,計1,711位學童,每周一都能在營養午餐中,享用到在地長輩所種植的布農傳統雜糧。 消失的傳統作物 珍藏於家庭菜園 小米類作物與多樣化的豆類是布農族的傳統作物,因具有耐旱、高耐受性與高營養等價值,面對日加嚴峻的極端氣候與糧食危機,在國際間愈來愈受到重視。然而這些過去曾是高山民族布農族人「主食」來源,卻隨著時代的變遷,幾乎已消失在布農族人的餐桌。幸好這些珍貴的種子以及種植的...

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线上活动, 01/10/2023

This presentation was recorded virtually for the benefit of conference attendees at the “ Millets: A Sustainable Approach Towards Health, Nutrition and Environment ” in Jaipur, India. Sorghum United Chief Executive Officer, Nate Blum discusses the mission of Sorghum United in promoting sorghum and mil...

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Hyderabad (India), 27/11/2023 - 28/11/2023

International Nutri Cereal Convention, with Multi-Stakeholders, is the flagship event of ICAR-IIMR conducted by Nutrihub every year at Hyderabad, Telangana. The objective of this convention is to bring together all the stakeholders from the Nutri Cereals industry, from producers to processors to c...

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Bhubaneswar (India), 09/11/2023 - 10/11/2023

With aim to take Odisha Millets Mission (OMM) to the next level, Government of Odisha is organising a two day International Convention on Millets (ICM) at Janta Maidan, Bhubaneswar on November 9 & 10. The theme of the ICM is “Millets – Ancient Grains for Modern Chall...

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台東縣 (台灣), 26/09/2023

The Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (TTDARES) of the Ministry of Agriculture held the Taitung Indigenous Village ...

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线上活动, 07/11/2023

Join this webinar to learn more about how the cultivation and consumption of millets can help empower smallholder farmers, women, Indigenous Peoples and youths.

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Novara (Italy), 25/10/2023

Convegno informativo volto a sensibilizzare sulle risorse del territorio e le aree urbane, l’importanza dell’acqua e delle risorse idriche finalizzate alla coltivazione dei terrei circostanti. Nel convegno saranno portate le esperienze di studenti attivi nel campo della sperimentazione e della ricerca di istituti superiori e della primaria di secondo grado.

A cura di Nutriziopoli, Asso...

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New Delhi (India), 28/09/2023

During the celebration of nutrition month, the mothers of a slum community will prepare healthy and nutritious millet dishes. They will be judged by renowned nutritionists and eminent hospitality personalities for their preparation. They will also sell their preparations to visitors in the community, where people not covered by the project can taste these delicacies.
The winners of the event...

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(Türkiye), 21/09/2023

In the context of making agriculture more climate-smart, and as part of the events of the International Year of Millets 2023, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the Uni...