FAO Liaison Office for North America



6 March 2019, Washington, DC – The World Food Law Institute and FAO North America cohosted an informative discussion about Geographical Indications (GIs) for food. The discussion explored how certifications, controls, and legal systems are used to address the growing and costly problem of frau...

Read our latest newsletter on climate smart landscapes, storytelling to tackle food waste, innovation for smallholders, a Q&A on social protection, a Zero Hunger crossword, and new publications on biodiversity, food safety, gender and more here.

UN Headquarters in New York from 11-22 March
FAO and the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW): social protection, key ingredient for fighting hunger and poverty

The priority themes for this year’s edition of CSW are key for FAO: social protection systems, ac...


Find the answers of our ZeroHunger Crossword from our March 2019 newsletter here!  


13 February 2019, Washington, DC - Planet Forward at the George Washington University organized a salon on tackling food loss and waste using storytelling. The discussion, moderated by Planet Forward creator and host Frank Sesno, featured Vimlendra Sharan, Director of FAO North America, Meghan...


7 February 2019, Washington, DC - FAO North America in partnership with EcoAgricultrue Partners organized a roundtable on new developments for climate smart landscapes globally focusing on policy, partnerships and finance.

Amidst mounting challenges posed by climate change, the global c...


5 February 2019, Washington, DC - The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research held its all day event - Foster Our Future - in Washington, DC to discuss game-changing research technology and innovation, and highlight the importance of continued research investment in sustainable agricultur...

29 January 2019, Ottawa, ON - FAO North America in partnership with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) co-organized a high-level technical discussion highlighting Canadian perspectives on the key findings of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) 2018 <...

24 January 2019, Washington, DC - FAO North America and the World Food Law Institute (WFLI) co-hosted a roundtable on Geographical Indications (GIs) for food, with a special focus on stakeholder relationships along value chains. Vim...


The Internship Programme is a learning opportunity aiming to attract talented young women and men who are strongly motivated to share their new perspectives, innovative ideas and latest research experience in FAO’s domains. The programme pr...


13 December 2019, Washington, DC – FAO North America and EcoAgriculture Partners co-hosted a timely discussion on “Agricultural Landscapes and Climate Change in the U.S.: Recent policy and program developments.” Gabriel Laizer, Strategic Partnerships Officer at FAO North America, provided welc...


Thanks to all of the participants, we look forward to your continuous engagement!

12 December 2018, Washington, DC – After an unprecedented response from young people worldwide, FAO has announced the winners of the seventh edition of the World Food Day Poster Contest wi...


6 December 2018, Washington, DC – With global hunger levels on the rise for the third consecutive year – reaching 821 million people – FAO North America and the Alliance to End Hunger co-hosted a Congressional Briefing on how the United States can build off its historic leadership in global fo...


4 December 2018, Washington, DC - Blockchains and other Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) hold enormous potential to transform agriculture and food systems by improving traceability, enabling rights enforcement, optimizing food chains, and improving transactions. To examine the potential ...


28 November 2018, Washington, DC – In recognition of World Soil Day, observed on 5 December, FAO North America and The Nature Conservancy convened a roundtable discussion on the importance of promoting soil health to ensure global food and nutrition security at the FAO Liasion Office for North...


8 November 2018, Washington, DC – FAO North America and CSIS Global Food Security Project hosted a discussion on the linkages between migration, agriculture and rural development, based on the latest State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA...


From World Food Day to World Food Prize, CFS 45, Canadian Perspectives on Migration and Climate Change, and a discussion at IFPRI on the rising hunger numbers, our latest Newsletter features a wide range of activities.    




Dr. Lawrence Haddad

Dr. Lawrence Haddad is a 2018 World Food Prize Laureate.

One of the sessions as part of the Borl...


30 October 2018, Ottawa, ON - FAO North America in partnership with CARE Canada and Aga Khan Foundation Canada convened a high-level public event on the 2018 State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA 2018) report focusing on migration an...


15 December 2018, Washington, DC - With 2030 almost decade away, World Food Day gave a clarion call for action and collaboration to...