International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Benefit-sharing Fund

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

In 2021, the Standing Committee on the Funding Strategy and Resource Mobilization approved the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Framework for the Benefit-sharing Fund.

This framework is an integral part of the monitoring process for the overall Funding Strategy and provides the structure for the BSF’s MEL at programme and project levels.

The Governing Body regularly receives a report on the Benefit-sharing Fund, with the information gathered through the approach outlined in the MEL framework. The contribution of the Benefit-sharing Fund to the programmatic approach of the Funding Strategy will be subject to review and continuous improvement. 1






1 The purpose of the Benefit-sharing Fund MEL Framework is to:

  • Streamline the process of monitoring, evaluation and reporting, with interlinked tools and indicators that support the collection, compilation and management of the information generated in projects. The framework provides a common basis for reporting at project and programme levels and promotes accountability.
  • Strengthen learning and knowledge management and exchange of knowledge within, between and beyond the Benefit-sharing Fund projects.
  • Measure progress, assess risks and improve performance to enable the adaptive management of BSF implementation and to support compliance with reporting requirements

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