Plataforma técnica sobre la medición y la reducción de las pérdidas y el desperdicio de alimentos



Organized shortly after the United Nations Food Systems Summit, CFS 49 will focus on the 2021 State of Food Security and Nutrition report, uptake of the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition, CFS Mutli-Year Programme of Work and other ongoing CFS workstreams and priorities.


Our Actions are our Future!

The food you choose and the way you consume it affect our health and that of our planet. It has an impact on the way agri-food systems work. So you need to be part of the change.


FAO Director-General QU Dongyu made the pledge at the closing segment of the UN Food Systems Summit, "Carrying forward the vision and momentum for 2030," where he delivered the Summit's closing statement. The landmark event adopted, for the first time, a comprehensive approach towards agri-foo...

On the occasion of the 2021 virtual global event a clear call to action was made to the public (national or local authorities) and private (businesses, including producers) sectors and individuals. They were called to prioritize actions and move ahead with innovation to reduce food loss and waste and contribute to restoring and building better agri-food systems.
Expo Dubai 2020

The World Food Day 2021 was the first International Day to be celebrated on 16 October at Expo Dubai, which runs from 1 October to 31 March 2022. The UN Secretary General disseminated a message thorugh social media "the way we produce, consume and waste our food is a heavy toll in our pla...

29 September 2021: International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste.

On 29 September 2021, the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste will be observed for the second time.

Reducing food loss and waste is of significant importance as it contributes to the realization of broader improvements to agri-food s...

3rd All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition

13-16 SEPTEMBER 2021 / A VIRTUAL EVENT HOSTED BY THE AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION dedicated to Postharvest Loss Reduction for Sustainable Food Systems

The 3rd AAPHCE is a follow up to the 2nd AAPHCE and 1st AAPHCE which were held in 2019 and 2017 respectively. The AUC has now instituti...

Voluntary Code of Conduct for Food Loss and Waste Reduction

FAO has developed the Voluntary Code of Conduct for Food Loss and Waste Reduction (CoC) following the request of the 26th Session of the Committee on Agriculture (COAG). The CoC was developed through an inclusive process under the overall direction and guidance of the COAG Bureau. In...

Se recibieron más de 1 200 ideas para las vías de acción, que se prepararon y sintetizaron en 107 propuestas iniciales. Estas propuestas se someterán a un amplio abanico de consultas de partes interesadas entre mayo y junio de 2021 y estarán estrechamente coordinadas por los Diálogos de la Cumbre sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios y la labor del Comité Científico.
On 29 April, the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee adopted an anti-food-waste law, which will shortly go into effect.
Intensive short course on post-harvest food loss and waste reduction

On the 3rd to 5th May 2021 the University of Nairobi Postharvest Research team, drawn from the Departments of Plant Science and Crop Protection and Food Science Nutrition and Technology hosted a three-day intensive short course: Postharvest food loss and waste reduction: towards sustainable fo...

La Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA) ha publicado una nueva guía para ayudar a los proveedores de alimentos a decidir qué información ofrecer a los consumidores sobre el almacenamiento de alimentos y los plazos para su consumo.
Italy to set the stage for 2021 UN Food Systems Summit

The United Nations and the Government of Italy announced today that the Pre-Summit gathering for the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit will be in Rome, Italy in July 2021.

Under the leadership of UN Secretary-General António Guterres and Prime Minister of Italy Mario Draghi, the Pre-Summit ev...


Nairobi/Paris, 4 March 2021 – An estimated 931 million tonnes of food, or 17% of total food available to consumers in 2019, went into the waste bins of households, retailers, restaurants and other food services, according to new UN research conducted to support global efforts to halve food was...


The One Planet network is holding consultations to collectively define a common agenda for action building on the findings of the joint task group of the International Resource Panel and the One Planet network Report: “Catalysing science-based policy action on sustainable consumption and p...


Eumind (Europa se encuentra con la India) es una red de escuelas destinada a facilitar el aprendizaje a través de las fronteras. Crea y supervisa proyectos de intercambio virtual en los que estudiantes indios y europeos trabajan juntos sobre cuestiones de la vida real, como la sostenibilidad, los derechos humanos y las artes y la cultura. Entre otros proyectos llevados a cabo por estudiantes sobre diversos temas, inspirados en el material educativo de la iniciativa DO GOOD: SAVE FOOD! de la FAO, se puso en marcha un nuevo proyecto sobre “el ahorro de alimentos” siguiendo el conjunto de instrumentos de DO GOOD: SAVE FOOD! elaborado por la FAO y la Coalición Internacional contra el Desperdicio de Alimentos

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), en colaboración con el Programa sobre sistemas alimentarios sostenibles de la red One Planet, organizó un acto paralelo centrado en impulsar la reducción de la pérdida y el desperdicio de alimentos a través de la innovación, coincidiendo con el 47.º período de sesiones del Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial (CSA).

La Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas designó el año 2021 como el Año Internacional de las Frutas y Verduras (AIFV). La FAO es el organismo encargado de celebrar el año en colaboración con otras organizaciones y órganos competentes del sistema de las Naciones Unidas.


How to reduce food loss and waste, FAO and ECLAC policy brief