Plataforma técnica sobre la medición y la reducción de las pérdidas y el desperdicio de alimentos


WFP’s Zero Food Loss initiative


The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) carried out an independent study about the scalability and adaptability of post-harvest hermetic technologies based on the WFP Special Operation in 2015. The study focused on scalability, adaptability and impact of the project to Ug...

omo parte de su proyecto de renovación, el Sistema de información africano sobre pérdidas poscosecha (APHLIS, por sus siglas en inglés) está realizando una encuesta entre los miembros de la comunidad internacional de pérdidas poscosecha con el fin de recibir comentarios y obtener ideas para mejorar sus servicios de datos. 

Last 17th January, the 1st all Africa Post-harvest congress was officially launched in Nairobi, Kenya.

Jane Ambuko, Professor at the University of Nairobi and chair of the l...

NEW online Forum discussion on business models of PHL technologies

The Forum of our CoP is launching a new online discussion aimed at comparing the different business models used by a variety of projects and programmes worldwi...


A side event on Postharvest Management (PHM) organized by AFAAS and its PHM partners was held during the GFRAS 7th annual meeting in Limbe, Cameroon on 3 October 2016. The GFRAS 7th annual meeting was an important opportunity to engage in the global effort to reduce food losses a large nu...

Improving our estimates of postharvest losses: APHLIS+ launch

Launched in 2009, APHLIS is a scientific model which provides evidence-based estimates on postharvest cereal losses (PHLs) across 38 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

The APHLIS+ network meeting, hosted by the Natural Resources Institute in Accra (Ghana) 5-9 September 2016, provided ...

A validation workshop to share the results of a food loss assessment study and to collect feedback and comments by different stakeholders was held in Ouagadougou on 28 July 2016. The study was carried out by consultants and country team of the Rome-based UN agencies joint project in Burkina Faso.

On 26 July 2016, the International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) launched a new technology that detects aflatoxins on location, can save lives and open export markets for African and Asian countries. The rapid test kit device is also affordable at under US$ 2. This e...


Kinshasa, DRC, 26-27 May 2016 - In the framework of the implementation of the RBAs joint project “Mainstreaming food loss reduction initiatives for smallholders in food deficit areas”, food loss assessments in the maize and rice value chains in the provinces of Kwilu (Idiofa and ...


Del 7 al 9 de junio de 2016 se celebró en Duala (el Camerún) un taller de tres días dentro del contexto del proyecto titulado Desarrollo de una estrategia para la reducción de las pérdidas de alimentos a favor de los pequeños agricultores en África - Fase 1. El taller forma parte de un proyect...


Towards the 2016 SAVE FOOD annual meeting! At the 2015 SAVE FOOD annual Meeting, held in Vevey (Switzerland / 12 May 2015), Mireille Totobesola-Barbier presented the Community of Practice (CoP) on food loss reduction and the RBAs joint project "Mainstreaming Food Loss Reductio...


The CoP member Rex Raimond, Senior Mediator and Program Director of Meridian Institute, presents the “AflaSTOP: Storage and Drying for Aflatoxin Prevention (AflaSTOP)” project (started in 2012).

Meridian Institute is partnering with


Kinshasa, 6 April 2016: eight artisans selected and designated by producers groups, administrators of warehouses and inspections of agriculture, fishery, livestock and rural development, two from each territory of Bulungu and Idiofa in Kwilu Province, and of Seke-Banza and Luozi in Central Con...

En aquellos países en los que ha quedado probado —y, en algunos casos, efectivamente evaluado y sopesado—que las pérdidas poscosecha son elevadas, debería respaldarse el desarrollo de políticas y normativas propicias para su reducción. 

A three-day validation workshop organized in the framework of the project entitled ‘Food loss reduction strategy development in favour of smallholder producers in Africa Phase 1’ was held in Harare, Zimbabwe from 15 to 17 March 2016. The workshop is part of a project launched in 2014, funded b...

WFP in action for PHL reduction in Zambia

The Senior Programme Assistant Susan Chipeta describes for the CoP members the WFP intervention for reducing PHL undertaken in Zambia and implemented through two different actions and in collaboration with other institutions.

Suffocating Insects to Save School Meals. An airtight solutio...


Lisa Kitinoja (Postharvest Education Foundation, USA) participated as keynote speaker in the session on Education Platform and Decision Support Systems at the 1st International Congress on Postharvest Loss Prevention held in Rome in October 2015.

Her presentation on “Integrating posthar...

La Organización las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), el y el Instituto Internacional de Investigación sobre Políticas Alimentarias (IFPRI) el programa de investigación del CGIAR sobre Políticas, Instituciones y Mercados (PIM), lanzaron una nueva iniciativa para mejorar la cooperación mundial en la medición y reducción de la pérdida y el desperdicio de alimentos.
The FTT-Thiaroye processing technique, an innovation for post-harvest loss reduction in fisheries and aquaculture

In Africa in particular, where smoking and drying are the most common methods for fish processing at small and medium scale level, the practices and techniques are constrained by significant challenges related to post-harvest losses, environmental issues, and value chain actors and consumers’ ...

El curso incluyes visitas sobre el terreno y entrevistas interesantes. “Las visitas a partes interesadas de la cadena, agricultores, procesadores y minoristas formaban parte del programa. En cada visita, los participantes entrevistaron al anfitrión para determinar el alcance de las pérdidas experimentadas por la empresa y las estrategias que reducirían estas pérdidas.