Plateforme technique sur l’évaluation et la réduction des pertes et du gaspillage alimentaires


Climate change and post-harvest loss: APHLIS blog post

Climate change is expected to have a profound impact on agricultural productivity, post-harvest losses and value chains. Climate change affects agricultural productivity both directly, by introducing changes in agro-ecological conditions (e.g. drought, variable precipitation, extreme weather e...

WFP Zero Food Loss Initiative January 2019 Update

There are now over 335,000 families in 16 countries who have made the choice to join the WFP Zero Food Loss Initiative. Thanks to the hard work of a growing number of WFP Smallholde...

Food Loss and Waste Law - Throughout the Value Chain

Reducing loss and waste across the food value chain will contribute tremendously to reducing the environmental impacts of agriculture, improving the incomes and livelihoods of chain actors as well as the food security and nutrition of low-income consumers. SDG target 12.3 specifically calls fo...


The Food loss and waste reduction and management advanced course follows a comprehensive approach, highlighting the importance of food loss and waste in current food systems, identifying main actors and critical points along the food supply chain and reviewing quantitative and qualitative appr...

IFAD blog: Food loss reduction: a solution to global hunger?

Leonardo Cini, IFAD consultant for the joint RBA project on "Mainstreaming food loss reduction initiatives for smallholder farmers" reported on his mission to Rwanda in July 2018. 

A growing number of projects supported by IFAD follow a holistic approach that aims to improve the ov...


A training workshop was organized by the Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Engineering in the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Zimbabwe (UZ), funded by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and carried out at Cresta Lodge, Harare from the 1 to...

COAG side event: food loss analysis methodology

At the 26th Session of the FAO Committee on Agriculture the UN Rome-based agencies in collaboration with the Permanent Representation of Switzerland to FAO, IFAD and WFP have organized a side event.

SDG 12.3 calls for, halving per capita global food waste at the retail and con...

SFS WEBINAR: Promoting partnerships and synergies for food loss and waste reduction

The 10YFP is a global commitment that was adopted at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in 2012, in response to the need to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in both developed and developing countries. The One Planet networ...

Rabobank Launches Food Loss Challenge Asia for Start-Ups

Rabobank, a leading global bank in food & agri and sustainability, is proud to announce the launch of the Food Loss Challenge Asia. Debuting in Asia, the open innovation Challenge will see disruptive start-ups present their ag-tech solutions to reduce food loss to a platform of leading Foo...


In an effort to assist and achieve the Malabo PHL and SDG 12:3 food loss reduction goals, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) and the African Union Commission (AUC) have been collaborating on the project: Support to t...


In FAO HQ (Rome, Italy) an official event has presented to the public the newly published E-learning course on Food Loss Analysis, an output of the joint UN Rome-based agencies (RBA) project on "Mainstreaming food loss reducti...


FAO is organizing a series of Training of Trainers (TOT) to enhance the knowledge and skills of professionals and institutions, through collaboration with institutions, to implement the FAO Food Loss Analysis methodology in order to support evidence-based food losses reduction strategies and policy at national and regional levels.


As custodian agency of 21 indicators, FAO has developed a methodology and guiding tools for each indicator which provide countries with step-by-step guidance on the entire reporting process, including data collection, assessment and computation of the results. Indicator 12.3.1 is in the proces...

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) are jointly launching the e-learning course on Food Loss Analysis.
Food Loss And Food Waste Reduction And Recovery Initiative of the Faculty of Agriculture University of Mauritius

The Faculty of Agriculture (FoA) of the University of Mauritius is leading the “Food Loss and Waste Reduction and Recovery” Initiative (hereafter referred to as FLoWeR Initiative) scheduled over one year (February 2018 to March 2019) with the aim of creating national awareness on food...

Un atelier de travail a été organisé dans le Centre Bellagio de la Fondation Rockefeller (11-15 Septembre 2017), inspiré des discussions avec l’Initiative YieldWise, axée sur les stratégies basées sur le marché pour répandre les expériences efficaces de gestion de l’après récolte (GAR), tout en tirant les leçons nécessaires de l’Afrique sub-saharienne (SSA). 
Food Loss Analysis E-learning course

An e-learning course developed in the framework of the RBA joint "Mainstreaming food loss reduction strategies for smallholders in food-deficit areas" introdu...

A new project on affordable post-harvest technologies such as low-cost cold storage equipments to boost farmers resilience and income is managed by Dr Jane Ambuko, a scientist at the University of Nairobi's Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection and CoP on food loss reduction member.

On 21-22 November 2017 a high level ministerial dialogue was held to launch the Post-Harvest Losses Reduction and Agro-processing (PHAP) flagship funding by the African Development Bank (AfDB). 

The programme included: Session 1 - Realizing the value of increased productivity ...

Support Post-Harvest Losses Reduction and Agro-Processing (PHAP)

The African Development Bank, in collaboration with FAO, is organizing a High Level Ministerial Dialogue on Post-Harvest Losses Reduction and Agro-Processing (PHAP), to be held in Abidjan on 21-2...