

Support Post-Harvest Losses Reduction and Agro-Processing (PHAP)

The African Development Bank, in collaboration with FAO, is organizing a High Level Ministerial Dialogue on Post-Harvest Losses Reduction and Agro-Processing (PHAP), to be held in Abidjan on 21-2...


This consultation on linkages between FLW and Nutrition is aimed at understanding links between FLW and nutrition. A study has investigated losses of vitamins A and C associated with frui...

Following a joint-event on the lessons learnt from a food loss reduction project implemented collaboratively by the Rome-based UN food agencies, the group called for the scaling up of pilot projects to adequately meet the required reduction in food loss.

The Community of Practice on food loss reduction is drawing the attention to nutritional composition of losses and what research organizations are doing on this topic. 

To date, much of the research on...

First Africa-wide Postharvest food loss reduction Congress and Exhibition

28/03/2017 - 31/03/2017 (Nairobi, Kenya) 

The World Food Preservation Center® LLC in conjunction with its sister University (University of Nairobi) and a consortium of Universities and a Research & Development Institution in Africa organized the First all Africa Postharvest Loss...

Experts meet to discuss the development of post-harvest loss management policy and strategy
Food losses are a major issue in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), due to the deficiencies in post-harvest infrastructure, technologies and capacities that affect the country's agricultural sector. On 6 April 2017, key stakeholders met at a workshop in Kinshasa to discuss technical, policy and strategic orientations and recommendations for food loss reduction in the country.
Towards the development of post-harvest management policy and strategy in Burkina Faso

Towards the development of post-harvest management policy and strategy: supporting a strategic roadmap for the reduction of post-harvest losses in cereals and pulses in Burkina Faso

On 15 March 2017, key stakeholders met in Ouagadougou to discuss technical, policy and s...

WFP’s Zero Food Loss initiative


The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) carried out an independent study about the scalability and adaptability of post-harvest hermetic technologies based on the WFP Special Operation in 2015. The study focused on scalability, adaptability and impact of the project to Ug...

Help shape APHLIS: your open postharvest loss data resource for sub-Saharan Africa
As part of its five year rejuvenation project, the African Postharvest Losses Information System (APHLIS) run a survey among the international postharvest loss community to source feedback and ideas on how to best improve its data services. 

Last 17th January, the 1st all Africa Post-harvest congress was officially launched in Nairobi, Kenya.

Jane Ambuko, Professor at the University of Nairobi and chair of the l...

NEW online Forum discussion on business models of PHL technologies

The Forum of our CoP is launching a new online discussion aimed at comparing the different business models used by a variety of projects and programmes worldwi...


A side event on Postharvest Management (PHM) organized by AFAAS and its PHM partners was held during the GFRAS 7th annual meeting in Limbe, Cameroon on 3 October 2016. The GFRAS 7th annual meeting was an important opportunity to engage in the global effort to reduce food losses a large nu...

Improving our estimates of postharvest losses: APHLIS+ launch

Launched in 2009, APHLIS is a scientific model which provides evidence-based estimates on postharvest cereal losses (PHLs) across 38 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

The APHLIS+ network meeting, hosted by the Natural Resources Institute in Accra (Ghana) 5-9 September 2016, provided ...

A validation workshop to share the results of a food loss assessment study and to collect feedback and comments by different stakeholders was held in Ouagadougou on 28 July 2016. The study was carried out by consultants and country team of the Rome-based UN agencies joint project in Burkina Faso.

On 26 July 2016, the International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) launched a new technology that detects aflatoxins on location, can save lives and open export markets for African and Asian countries. The rapid test kit device is also affordable at under US$ 2. This e...


Kinshasa, DRC, 26-27 May 2016 - In the framework of the implementation of the RBAs joint project “Mainstreaming food loss reduction initiatives for smallholders in food deficit areas”, food loss assessments in the maize and rice value chains in the provinces of Kwilu (Idiofa and ...

FAO regional workshop for food loss reduction strategy development
A three-day workshop organized in the framework of the project entitled ‘Food loss reduction strategy development in favour of smallholder producers in Africa Phase 1’ was held in Douala, Cameroun, 7-9 June 2016. The workshop is part of a project launched in 2014, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by FAO in eleven African countries (Angola, Botswana, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Rwanda, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe) in partnership with respective Ministries of Agriculture and other stakeholders.

Towards the 2016 SAVE FOOD annual meeting! At the 2015 SAVE FOOD annual Meeting, held in Vevey (Switzerland / 12 May 2015), Mireille Totobesola-Barbier presented the Community of Practice (CoP) on food loss reduction and the RBAs joint project "Mainstreaming Food Loss Reductio...


The CoP member Rex Raimond, Senior Mediator and Program Director of Meridian Institute, presents the “AflaSTOP: Storage and Drying for Aflatoxin Prevention (AflaSTOP)” project (started in 2012).

Meridian Institute is partnering with


Kinshasa, 6 April 2016: eight artisans selected and designated by producers groups, administrators of warehouses and inspections of agriculture, fishery, livestock and rural development, two from each territory of Bulungu and Idiofa in Kwilu Province, and of Seke-Banza and Luozi in Central Con...