Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture

Webinars & Multimedia
Regional Conference on Green Agriculture 29-31 May 2024

The main objective of the conference was to discuss and exchange experiences on green agriculture and examine the status of green innovation, technology and polices for advancing green transformation of the agrifood system. This includes catalysing collaboration to accelerate the adoption of green practices, bridging science and policy, and enhancing the inter- and intraregional knowledge sharing, contributing to greening agrifood systems across Europe and Central Asia and beyond.


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3


Improving obsolete pesticide management in Azerbaijan: Safeguarding in Jangi

This video shows how FAO supported Azerbaijan in improving obsolete pesticide management.

In Jangi pesticide storage facility, almost 10 thousand tonnes of obsolete pesticides as persistent organic pollutants including DDT as a toxic legacy of former Soviet Union have been stored since 1989. Around 200 tonnes of them are liquid obsolete pesticides, as the most hazardous category, and have been stored poorly by posing high risks. Within the scope of an FAO/GEF project entitled “Lifecycle Management of Pesticides and Disposal of POPs Pesticides in Central Asian countries and Türkiye”, 210 tonnes of the liquid obsolete pesticides were safeguarded in line with the international standards.

Now, they are waiting for their final disposal in Jangi pesticide storage facility. Project also enhanced technical capacity in Azerbaijan for similar implementations in future.

Circular bioeconomy (including plastics)
Food Systems Talk - Towards a circular economy of food: Views and perspectives for Europe and Central Asia

This episode of the Food Systems Talk organized by the Issue-based Coalition on Sustainable Food Systems and UNECE will feature an interview with Elisabeth Türk, Director of UNECE’s Economic Cooperation and Trade Division and Martin van Ittersum at the Department of Plant Sciences, Plant Production Systems group of Wageningen University, on the different aspects of circular economy.

Global Launch of the Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture, 12 May 2022

In Europe and Central Asia, as well as globally, FAO is aiming to strengthen its role in promoting green agriculture, which includes the proper management of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystem services with high recycling rates and low external inputs for building sustainable and resilient agroecosystems capable of tackling current and future challenges.

To support this goal, FAO will launch the Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture .

The launch will take place on the sidelines of the Thirty-third Session of the Regional Conference for Europe.

Watch the recording!

Food loss and waste
Regional Conference on Food Loss and Waste in Europe and Central Asia “Enabling the change” (ENG)

The conference had as the main focus to identifying essential elements of enabling environments and tools, including legislative and business innovations, marketing strategies, and practical interventions that support the reduction of food loss and waste and the transition to sustainable food value chains in Europe (including the European Union) and Central Asia.

Science and Innovation
FAO REU Science and Innovation Special Event 2022

Greening our future: The potential of science, innovation, and youth empowerment for greening agrifood systems.

Watch the recording!