Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture

The Forum of Discussions of the Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture is an open, neutral platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue facilitated by FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia.

It engages a wide range of individuals and institutions, fostering awareness, knowledge sharing, debate and mutual learning on a wide range of issues that affect Green Agriculture and its main thematic areas.

The Forum facilitates open dialogue, promoting inclusive policy processes and strengthening decision-making at global, regional and national levels.

After a century of land consolidation in Europe – taking stock and looking forward

Thread title Author CreationDate Replies LastPost
Why is mandatory landconsolidation is less used after a period of good experiences in Western Europe Jan Spijkerboer 04/05/2024 5 Junya Hanada
04/06/2024, 02:01:21
3. How should land consolidation instruments develop in the future? Gasbarri, Valentina (REU) Gasbarri 28/03/2024 7 Morten Hartvigsen
02/06/2024, 07:56:12
1. What are some of the positive or negative experiences with land consolidation at country level? Gasbarri, Valentina (REU) Gasbarri 28/03/2024 7 Taras Ievsiukov
08/05/2024, 09:50:24
4. What is the need to further share good practices and experiences related to land consolidation between countries and regions? Gasbarri, Valentina (REU) Gasbarri 28/03/2024 6 ela ertunc
07/05/2024, 08:31:04
2. To what extend are public investments in land consolidation feasible and do they lead to increased private investments? Gasbarri, Valentina (REU) Gasbarri 28/03/2024 4 Jan Spijkerboer
04/05/2024, 09:44:17
Background and rationale for the online discussion Gasbarri, Valentina (REU) Gasbarri 28/03/2024 1 Valentina Gasbarri_2
28/03/2024, 10:48:02