Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture

Green Agriculture and Science and Innovation: Main scientific findings in Europe and Central Asia

Hybrid Event, 14/12/2022


Agrifood systems in Europe and Central Asia are deeply affected by geopolitical and economic uncertainties which impact both directly and indirectly on food supply chains, and have repercussions in food markets; moreover, they are threatened by environmental, human-driven long-term stresses, such as climate change, deforestation, biodiversity loss and natural resource degradation. 

It is still challenging to implement the green agriculture approach in agrifood systems of the region due to the limited scientific research conducted in applying green agriculture practices, the lack of experts’ capacities and tools in green agriculture, and the lack of stakeholder’s coordination in this area.

Nevertheless, FAO programme countries of the region have the potential and enabling environment to apply innovative solutions for greening their local agrifood systems. Following the endorsement of the FAO Strategy on Science and Innovation (2022), FAO REU is developing the Regional Action Plan to support countries in these efforts. In this regard, to provide evidence on thematic areas related to GA and Science & Innovation (S&I) in the region the FAO Regional office for Europe and Central Asia works in partnership with research university groups such as the Group of Agroecology (GOA), Land Lab, Center of Plant Sciences, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Italy), and the Gesplan and Sylvanet Research Groups of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain).