Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture

National workshop on green agriculture in Kazakhstan



Agrifood systems are threatened by climate change, deforestation, biodiversity loss and natural resource degradation. They are also deeply affected by geopolitical and economic uncertainties which impact both directly and indirectly the food supply chains, and repercussions in food markets, therefore food security. All over the world the negative consequences of human-driven climate change are accelerated.

Kazakhstan's climate is warming almost twice as fast as the global climate. By 2050, Kazakhstan may be on the list of states of catastrophic water stress.

Under these conditions, it is necessary to revise the national policies and strategies which are aiming to transform agri-food systems and coordinate actions at national and regional level.

To prepare recommendations on green agriculture for the Government of Kazakhstan and related policies and practices the benefit of policymakers, research funding providers, knowledge-users, and innovators throughout the whole agrifood systems for the first step need to involve the identified stakeholders and collect from them information and recommendation. For the next step, discuss the preliminary policy analysis and the recommendations collected with relevant national policy makers.

Main objective

Introduce Green agriculture as holistic, multidisciplinary and nexus framework for greening agrifood systems in support of green economy strategy in Kazakhstan and define capacity development needs of the country related to green agriculture.

Expected results

 Preliminary green policy assessment reviewed and validated

 Next steps defined towards establishing the National Technical network and promotion of green agriculture


Day 1: FAO representatives and consultants, state subsidiaries’ bodies, NGOs, farmer's associations and sectoral unions

Day 2: FAO representatives and consultants, ministers and state agencies: Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Ministry of national economy, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Day 1

Friday, 19 April, 2024 Almaty, Kazakhstan

Hotel “InterContinental Almaty”

14.00 – 14.30   Registration
14.30 – 14.40 Opening remarks
Zhanyl Bozayeva, Programme Officer/Team Leader FAOKZ
14.40 – 14.45 Green agriculture framework
Tania Santivanez, Agricultural Officer
14:45 - 15:05 Green Agriculture Platform and E-learning course
Zsuzsanna Keresztes, Specialist on IPM and climate resilient agricultural practices
15:05-15:20 Green agriculture policy analysis: main findings
Darina Ostrikova, National policy expert on Green Agriculture
15:20 -15:40 Coffee Break
15:40-17:00 Group discussions
Presentation of results
17.00 – 17:15 Wrapping up
   Closing remarks

Day 2

Tuesday, 23 April, 2024 Astana, Kazakhstan

FAO liaison office in Kazakhstan


09:00 – 09:30 Registration
09:30 – 09:45 Opening remarks
Zhanyl Bozayeva, Programme Officer/Team Leader FAOKZ
Ministry of Agriculture
9:45-10:00 Green agriculture framework
Tania Santivanez, Agricultural Officer
10:00-10:20 Green Agriculture Platform and e-learning course on green agriculture
Zsuzsanna Keresztes, Specialist on IPM and climate resilient agricultural practices
10:20-10:40 Green agriculture policy analysis: main findings
Darina Ostrikova, National policy expert on Green Agriculture
10.40 – 11.10 Coffee Break
11.10 – 12.40 Discussion on the Policy analysis and the recommendations collected in previous day
12.40 – 13.00 Wrapping up, closing remarks