Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture

Planting the seeds for tomorrow: advancing green agriculture in Europe and Central Asia


By Raimund Jehle, Regional Programme Leader, FAO REU

Dear colleagues,

In a world grappling with rising food and energy costs, a climate crisis and geopolitical tensions, the urgency for action has never been more tangible. The canvas of challenges demands not only our attention, but also our concerted effort and a vision that surpasses limitations.

Aligned with the holistic vision of the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–2031, the Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture has for the past few years promoted knowledge sharing and capacity building for greening agrifood systems. The essence of this lies in its potential to pave the way for better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life – leaving no one behind. 

Greening our agrifood system can bring us closer to the achievement of a sustainable, inclusive and resilient future. 


By reducing the toll on natural resources, avoiding environmental degradation via high recycling rates, and using fewer external inputs in a changing climate – all while reducing poverty, increasing livelihoods and ensuring nutritional needs through sustainable policies and practices.

Over the past decade, a myriad of successful initiatives across the Europe and Central Asia region and beyond has propelled the momentum. As we stand witness to pivotal events like the United Nations Food Systems Stocktaking Moment in Rome last July, the  Samarkand International Conference on Food Security in Uzbekistan last September, the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai last November, and the Global Forum on Food and Agriculture in Berlin this year, the clarion call to address the impacts of climate change on agrifood systems reverberates louder than ever.

The imperative is clear: collective and decisive action.

The solutions lie within the realm of greening agrifood systems and offering cost-effective, transformative pathways to navigate crises effectively.


The genesis of the Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture mirrors the diverse agricultural heritage of Europe and Central Asia. Combined with green agricultural themes, it presents a plethora of opportunities for policymakers, development partners, the private sector, women, youth, and all value chain stakeholders to converge forces and metamorphose agrifood systems into environmentally sustainable, socially inclusive and economically viable entities.


Imagine the power of amalgamating the best practices of European Union countries, as evident in the Green Deal, Biodiversity Strategy and Farm to Fork Strategy. These success stories are not just inspirations; they are scalable models that can drive transformation across our region, including in Central Asian countries. They are beacons illuminating the path towards combating climate change, biodiversity loss and extreme weather events.


At FAO, we are dedicated to catalysing actions and projects that align agrifood system transformation with climate and biodiversity targets and food security pillars. The impetus remains on knowledge sharing, capacity development and the transformative prowess of science, technology and innovation.


The Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture stands as a digital gateway, fostering an open exchange of information, ideas and experiences. It is a collaborative space designed to accelerate innovation, sharing and dialogue across expert networks, transcending regional boundaries. Adopting the agrifood systems approach, it comprises vital components focusing on natural resources, green production, green supply chain, consumption, and food loss and waste, inviting participation and knowledge sharing from all stakeholders.

We have delved into policy analysis and a state-of-the-art assessment of green agriculture in three selected countries: Armenia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The goal is to inspire policymakers to embrace green policies, mirroring the successes of the European Green Deal while enhancing science-based information and knowledge at regional and interregional levels.

While FAO stands equipped with evidence-based tools to address current challenges, the path to transformation demands collaboration, shared experiences and support from our partners.

I urge everyone to engage actively in the dialogue on the Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture and other FAO initiatives and participate in our discussion forums.

Together, let’s sow the seeds of change for 2024 together and cultivate a future in which green agriculture stands as the cornerstone of sustainability, resilience and shared prosperity.