Отделение ФАО для связи с Российской Федерацией


The Eurasian Center for Food Security, the World Bank, and FAO’s Liaison Office with the Russian Federation together with partners co-organized the IV Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference on Food Security and Soil Science. The event to
Awareness of the urgent need to address the problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) assembled a wide range of experts and practitioners at a round table held at the Federation Council, the upper chamber of the Russian Parliament. Humanity risks “going back to the ‘pre-antibiotic’ era, when people died en masse from infectious diseases,” Igor Kagramanyan, first Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy of the Federation Council, said in his opening remarks.
A two-day seminar on the use of electronic phytosanitary certificates and the development of international standards for phytosanitary measures started today on the premises of the Eurasian Economic Commission in Moscow, with key participation of FAO expe
 Agreements covering the use of volunteers and fellows for a three-year period were signed today by FAO Deputy Director-General for Programmes Daniel Gustafson and RGS's First Deputy Executive Director Ilya Gurov at the FAO headquarters in Rome.
FAO expert Kristina Rodina provided an overview of problems in sustainable management of forest and wildlife resources, as well as FAO activities in this area during a live video presentation for students of the Department of Ecology and Nature Management
“After several years of relatively calm market conditions, global agricultural markets are facing increasing risks, including political uncertainty caused by trade conflicts,” said Natalia Merkusheva, Economist at FAO’s Trade and Markets Division, present
В рамках своего двухдневного визита в Москву в качестве почетного гостя и основного докладчика на Международном агропромышленном форуме на полях 21-й выставки «Золотая осень» - главного агропромышленного форума, ежегодно проводимого Минсельхозом России, г
FAO chief highlights the key role of Green Agriculture for sustainable development at a high-level forum in Moscow
20 сентября 2019 года, Калуга – Совместная команда экспертов ФАО и ВОЗ поделилась знаниями, опытом и видением на четырехдневном международном форуме «Хлеб – это мир», в котором приняли участие профессиональные пекари и эксперты в области продовольствия из более чем 60 стран Европы и обеих Америк, Азии и Африки.
The dynamics of real incomes and earnings of the population in Russia offers a weak incentive for the increase in retail trade turnover. Even the official statistics records retail market “growth” within margin of error (1-2% per year). Buyers are tighten
The IV All-Russian Plant Protection Congress devoted to “Phytosanitary technologies in ensuring the independence and competitiveness of the Russian agro-industrial complex” was held in St. Petersburg from 9 to 11 September. The congress brought together o
On 5-6 September, Stavropol Krai, a region in the south of Russia, hosted the IV International Environmental Forum on “Green economy: strategies for sustainable development of cities and regions”.
Aghasi Harutyunyan, the Officer-in-Charge of FAO’s Liaison Office in Moscow (FAOLOR), delivered a presentation on FAO’s development and emergency activities for the participants of the Summer School of the Russian Geographical Society (RGO) held at the Etnomir Complex in Kaluga region. RGO was established by Russian Emperor Nicholas I in 1845. It is one of the oldest geographical societies in the world.
“The fishing industry is one of the major sectors in the Russian economy and is of strategic importance for ensuring food security of the country,” Russian Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev said at the opening ceremony of the III Global Fishery For
ФАО совместно с Фондом LandPortal (Нидерланды) провела в Москве региональный семинар на тему «Повышение доступности и наглядности сельскохозяйственных и земельных данных посредством использования семантики AGRIS в Европе и Центральной Азии». Форум был организован на платформе и с активным участием Центральной научной сельскохозяйственной библиотеки (ЦНСХБ).
Москва заинтересована в сохранении российских географических и тематических приоритетов сотрудничества с ФАО после смены руководства, о чем информагентству ТАСС заявил заместитель председателя правительства РФ по вопросам агропромышленного комплекса, природных ресурсов и экологии Алексей Гордеев. Он возглавляет российскую делегацию на 41-й сессии Конференции ФАО, проходящей в Риме.
The global tea industry has been registering tremendous growth. The overall increase in domestic consumption has been driven by demographic growth, faster urbanization and rising incomes and standard of living in the emerging and developing economies. Pe
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are at the core of the global agenda with three major interrelated and intertwined elements: economic growth, social integration, and environmental protection. To achieve all of the 17 universal and comprehensively
Pesticide management and sustainable agriculture, and emerging opportunities for blockchain in the agri-food industry were among the topics covered by FAO experts at the “Agrotech-2019. Steps beyond the horizon” international forum, organized by the Natio
Двухдневный Международный форум «Агротех-2019. Шаги за горизонт», организованный Национальным исследовательским университетом «Высшая школа экономики» (НИУ ВШЭ) совместно с ФАО и Минсельхозом России, был посвящен инновациям как главной движущей силе в преобразовании продовольственных систем, избавлении семейных фермеров от бедности, достижении продовольственной безопасности, построении современного сельского хозяйства и реализации Целей устойчивого развития (ЦУР).