Отделение ФАО для связи с Российской Федерацией


В ходе заседания Комитета сельских женщин при Министерстве сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации Агаси Арутюнян, и.о. Директора Отделения ФАО для связи с РФ, представил деятельность ФАО в решении гендерных проблем на сельских территориях в контексте Целей устойчивого развития (ЦУР).
The list of topics for the four-day IX International Veterinary Congress, which opened today in the town of Svetlogorsk, in Russia’s westernmost Kaliningrad Region, was the powerful magnet that attracted experts from over 20 countries and international or
The XXII edition of the awards ceremony for the national prize named after Pyotr Stolypin - “Russia’s Agrarian Elite -2019” - took place on 17 April 2019 at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.
Программы географических указаний (ГУ) помогают защитить пищевые продукты, характерные для конкретной местности.
FAO Policy Officer Dmitry Zvyagintsev contributed to a discussion held at the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) in Moscow dedicated to “Improving the efficiency of agricultural subsidies in the common agricultural market of the Eurasian Economic Union”.
Эксперты ФАО, проанализировали статистические данные по странам в регионе Европы и Центральной Азии и выразили крайнюю обеспокоенность. 
По инициативе Департамента рыболовства и аквакультуры ФАО в московском Доме ООН 27 марта 2019 года состоялся семинар по Соглашению о мерах государства порта (СМГП), по предупреждению, сдерживанию и ликвидации незаконного, несообщаемого и нерегулируемого (HHH) рыбного промысла.
On 26 March, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO held an expert session titled “From garbage riots to the UN global goals. Economic efficiency of the private sector in the framework of sustainable development in Russia”.
FAO’s Liaison Office with the Russian Federation team held an interactive video conference with students of the Law Institute of the Vyatka State University (VyatSU), dedicated to the International Day of Forests (IDF). The theme of this year’s IDF is “L
The National Research University – Higher School of Economics (HSE) held a round table on “How restrictions on fertilizer consumption might affect global agricultural markets”. Experts discussed how the efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal
Today, 2.1 billion people do not have access to safe water resources due to factors such as economic status, gender, ethnicity, religion and age. Soaring demand compounded by poor management exacerbated water scarcity in many parts of the world at the sam
For Russia, the issue of science-based restoration and sustainable, wet management of peatlands is particularly relevant. The urgency is determined by the fact that this type of wetlands perform a number of important ecosystem functions for humans. If the
FAO and Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to provide a framework for cooperation in areas of common interest with a focus, on knowledge and expertise sharing, and development of institutional capacities
The challenges of improving management of fisheries prioritize reaping benefits not simply from scientific monitoring and analysis but from international cooperation based, in particular, on the ability to share data and find common solutions to common pr
Проблемы птицеводства и технологии производства яиц и мяса птицы столь же серьезны, сколь и многочисленны. Например, вирусы птичьего гриппа видоизменяются, и в настоящее время одновременно циркулирует больше подтипов этих вирусов, чем когда-либо ранее. 
Почти половину (45%) всей потребляемой в мире рыбы и морепродуктов составляет сегодня продукция аквакультуры. Это один из самых быстро развивающихся секторов в экономике многих стран.
Against the backdrop of depressing international statistics on food loss and waste (FLW), estimated at more than 1 billion tons per year (in value terms, it amounts to more than $700 billion annually), experts look for and propose optimal solutions to tac
During his visit to Russia, Ronald Vargas, Secretary of FAO’s Global Soil Partnership (GSP), had a meeting with Valeria Chaika, acting Rector of the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. The focus of the discussions w
The third Review of Agricultural Trade Policies in post-Soviet countries, covering the period from 2016 to 2017, was presented today at the Central Scientific Agricultural Library in Moscow. The event was broadcast live on the internet. The Review looks
Andrey Nikiforov, Associate Professor from the Chair  of International Complex Issues of Nature Use and Environment at MGIMO University, conducted a webinar focused on “Integrated agri-aquaculture systems: nature-like technologies for achievement of food