Отделение ФАО для связи с Российской Федерацией


The St. Petersburg State University hosted an international conference devoted to “Food Security, Soils and Human Capital in Soil Science” that opened today in the Russian Northern capital.
FAO project aims to enhance farmers’ skills in assessing soil conditions and strengthen capacities of national soil laboratories PhosAgro, Russia's leading phosphate-based fertiliser producer, today signed an agreement with FAO to donate $1.2 million to
Robert van Otterdijk, Agro-industry Officer, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, delivered two lectures this week on “Food Waste during Food Processing and the Re-Use of Food Rest Products” at two Russian universities. On 21 November, he addr
The World Health Organization (WHO) Country Office in the Russian Federation, FAO’s Liaison Office with the Russian Federation and the Regional Office of the World Organization For Animal Health (OIE) in Moscow, in cooperation with the Russian Ministry of
FAO and the Russian Central Scientific Agricultural Library jointly organized a seminar to highlight the key conclusions and messages of FAO’s flagship The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World - 2018. The annual publication prepared by exper
Eradicating hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition and ensuring sustainable agricultural systems by 2030 (the ‘deadline’ for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development), and Russia's role in achieving these goals, were the focus of the roun
A five-strong team of FAO and World Food Programme (WFP) experts spoke at a special session on food security and nutrition in the framework of the annual Eurasian Food Security Conference, which took place on 2-4 October at Lomonosov Moscow State Universi
  At a meeting with heads of Moscow offices of UN agencies, held on 26 September, Sergei Egorenko, Deputy Head of Russia’s Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) spoke in detail about the monitoring mechanisms put in place by Russia for observing the
Recognizing that the unregulated use of antimicrobials is a growing problem across Eastern Europe and Central Asia, FAO has been working hard to implement improvements across the region, with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation. One e
Food loss and waste (FLW) arises in the majority if not in all value chains. Losses and waste in fish chains – data, causes and trends and the establishment of a global repository of information on FLW in the fisheries sector was one of the key topics dis
Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is estimated to illicitly harvest as much as 26 million tons of fish each year, worth approximately USD 24 billion. An expert-level discussion on the dangers IUU-fishing poses took place at the Second Glo
Recent technologies of flour and cereals production, safety and quality of products, forecasts, and the prospects for the growth of the grain, cereals and flour sector were among the main topics discussed at the international grain and mill conference “MI
The growing resistance of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites to antimicrobials is a grave health concern the world over. If nothing is done to limit it, an estimated 10 million people per year will be at risk by 2050, to say nothing of the enormous a
Потери продовольствия – это не только затраченные впустую ресурсы, но и пагубное влияние на состояние климата и окружающей среды. Тем не менее, существуют опробованные действенные решения проблемы потерь при условии, что все участники продовольственной цепочки их претворяют в жизнь, а общество готово следовать ответственным и рациональным моделям приобретения и потребления еды.
5 июля 2018, Москва, Российская Федерация – В зале Ученого Совета ФГБНУ ЦНСХБ состоялась презентация публикации ФАО «Зернобобовые России».
Optimizing farming under existing soil and climatic conditions in Russia’s main agricultural regions was the focus of a roundtable discussion at the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (RSAU-MTAA). New technologies t
News organizations are advised that plenary debate on all agenda items of the 31st FAO Regional Conference for Europe will be webcast from the Conference venue in Voronezh, Russian Federation, starting Wednesday 16 May at approximately 11.00 a.m. WEBCAST
New project will address AMR risks in food and agriculture in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
A major student conference this week in Moscow indicates that young scientific minds are focused on finding solutions to the global problem of soil degradation. For two consecutive days, 4-5 December 2017, FAO and the Russian State Agricultural Universit