Science, technologie et innovation



Agriculture: it’s one of the world's largest contributors to climate change; and yet – it may just hold the key to the solution. To unlock this potential requires that we use science, and creativity, and expand beyond the bounds of what we think we know about agriculture. And that is the focus of...


En Avril 2021, quatre astronautes sont partis pour une mission de six mois dans l’espace où ils ont mené à bien des experiences scientifiques. L’astronaute Thomas Pesquet explique comment cultiver de la nourriture dans l’espace peut nous aider à nous adapter à des conditions environnementales extrêmes et à maintenir la sécurité alimentaire sur Terre.


The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is rolling out digital innovation technologies in the form of SMS text messages and smart phone applications across the African continent, starting in Senegal and Rwanda. In this pilot episode of FAO's new podcast Stories From The Field, we head to Tambacounda, 450 kilometers south-east of Dakar, Senegal...


In 2013, FAO launched the Blue Growth Initiative, which supports the development of aquatic resources and the communities that depend on them. Today, innovators across the globe are coming up with new and exciting ways to harness the ocean’s resources sustainably, from blue fish fashion to the medical use of fish skin. Lucy Hughes is the inventor of MarinaTex, a bioplastic made from fish waste.