SIDS Solutions Platform


On the 30 and 31 August 2021, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the Government of Fiji and the International Tele¬communication Union (ITU), organized a successful Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Solutions Forum.


The ocean surrounding Kiribati is a precious source for the population livelihoods: it provides employment, source of income and healthy food.


Read about vanilla and cocoa farmers, youth, women and fishers who have received technical support to promote sustainability and livelihoods.


In the Cook Islands, the Agritech initiative, aims to foster and adopt innovation to transform agricultural value chains by improving productivity and profitability.


Through a collective effort involving various stakeholders from Fiji’s agriculture industry, a platform for agriculture value chain stakeholders has been developed to connect the various actors and access information. It also offers a place to find simple digital tools for improved farm management.


The absence of local higher education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) has led to a brain drain in Aruba. SISSTEM aims to educate local and regional youth in STEM with the necessary technical skills to contribute to innovative sustainable development.


Vegetable production in the Pacific Islands does not match local demand in terms of consistency in volumes and quality. Greenhouses provide controlled environmental conditions to support year-round production. A greenhouse development package supports sustainable income-generation for local farmers.


SOLA (Solutions for Open Land Administration) is an open-source software for land title registration and cadastral mapping. This technology enables the island land mapping, management of freehold land to support land deals, and easy access to land information for the public.


The Samoa Women's Association of Growers (SWAG) responded to the impact of COVID-19 with opportunities for business, networking, training and education.


The Pacific Online Organic Policy Tool Kit is the first of its kind in the world. It aids in the development of policies to support organic farming despite the fragile Pacific environment ecosystem.