البحوث و التحليلات الاجتماعية و الاقتصادية

يعمل الفريق مع مختلف الشركاء والمؤسسات. ويتباين مستوى التعاون وطريقته، ولكن الهدف الرئيسي في جميع الحالات هو إنتاج أدلة قوية ونشر النتائج لتصل إلى مجموعة واسعة من أصحاب المصلحة.

Transfer project

The Transfer Project is a multi-country cash transfer research initiative. Established in 2008, the project is a collaborative network between UNICEF Innocenti, FAO, University of North Carolina, UNICEF Regional and Country Offices, national governments, and local research partners. The Transfer Project is a thought leader on cash transfers in Africa. We go beyond measuring typical economic outcomes to find out if and how cash transfers impact other aspects of people’s lives


In 2018, the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) started the multi-year Learning-Oriented Real-Time Impact Assessment (LORTA) programme to keep track of the impact of GCF investments. The goal is to measure if GCF projects lead to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and enhanced resilience to climate change, and if so, by how much. This can be measured with the help of rigorous impact assessments. Empirical evidence on impacts of climate-related projects is rather scarce, which adds to the importance of this programme.


They produce critical and independent analysis, thereby contributing to a better understanding of current affairs in Peru and the Global South. Research is organized into three broad categories: Social Inclusion, Economic Opportunities, and Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change