Report of the Thirty-second Session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene

Table of Contents

Washington DC, 29 November - 4 December 1999


Twenty-fourth Session
Geneva, 2-7 July 2001




JOINT OFFICE: Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 ROME Tel.: 39 6 57051 Telex: 625825-625853 FAO I Email: [email protected] Facsimile: 39 06 5705.4593


NOTE: This report includes Codex Circular Letter CL 1999/34-FH

Table of Contents


Summary and Conclusions

List of Abbreviations used in this Report


Opening of the Session

Adoption of the Agenda (Agenda Item 1)

Report by the Secretariat on Matters Referred by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and/or Other Codex Committees to the Food Hygiene Committee (Agenda Item 2)

Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Packaged/Bottled Drinking Waters (Other Than Natural Mineral Waters) (Agenda Item 3)

Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for the Transport of Foodstuffs in Bulk and Semi-Packed Foodstuffs (Agenda Item 4)

Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Products (Agenda Item 5)

Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for the Primary Production, Harvesting and Packaging of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (Agenda Item 6)

Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Pre-Cut Vegetable Products Ready for Human Consumption (Agenda Item 7)

Proposed Draft Principles and Guidelines for the Conduct of Microbiological Risk Management (Agenda Item 8)

Discussion Paper on the Implementation of HACCP in Small and/or Less Developed Businesses (SLDB) (Agenda Item 9)

Discussion Paper on the Proposed Draft Recommendations for the Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Foods in International Trade (Agenda Item 10)

Discussion Paper on Viruses in Food (Agenda Item 11)

Discussion Paper on Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria in Food (Agenda Item 12)

Discussion Paper on Proposed Draft Guidelines for Hygienic Reuse of Processing Water in Food Plants (Agenda Item 13)

Priorities for the Revision of Codes of Hygienic Practice (Agenda Item 14)

Other Business and Future Work (Agenda Item 15)

Proposed Draft Annex on Cleaning and Disinfection to the Recommended International Code of Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene
Guidelines for the Validation of Food Hygienic Control Measures
Guidelines for Evaluating the Presence of Extraneous Material and Filth in Food

Date and Place of the Next Session (Agenda Item 16)

Summary Status of Work

Appendix I: List of Participants

Appendix II: Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Packaged/Bottled Drinking Waters (Other than Natural Mineral Waters)

Section II: Scope and use of the document

2.1 Scope
2.2 Use of the document
2.3 Definitions

Section III: Primary production

3.1 Environmental hygiene

3.1.1 Precautions in selecting a resource site

3.2 Hygienic production of water supplies

3.2.1 Protection of ground water supplies Considerations for ground water supplies

3.2.2 Protection of surface water supplies Considerations for surface water supplies

3.3 Handling, storage and transport of water intended for bottling

3.3.1 Hygienic extraction or collection of water At point of origin Protection of the area of origin Maintenance of extraction or collection facilities

3.3.2 Storage and transport of water intended for bottling Requirements Use and maintenance

Section IV: Establishment: Design and facilities

4.2 Premises and rooms
4.4 Facilities

4.4.1 Water supply not intended for bottling

Section V: Establishment: Control of operation

5.2 Key aspects of hygiene control systems
5.4 Packaging

5.4.1 Washing and Disinfecting of Containers
5.4.2 Filling and sealing of containers
5.4.3 Product containers and closures
5.4.4 Use of Closures

Section VI: Establishment: Maintenance and sanitation
Section VII: Establishment: Personal hygiene
Section VIII: Transportation and storage of bottled water
Section IX: Product information and consumer awareness
Section X: Training
Appendix 1: Microbiological and other specifications

Appendix III: Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for the Transport of Food in Bulk and Semi-Packed Food

Section I: Objectives
Section II: Scope, use and definitions

2.1 Scope and use
2.2 Definitions

Section III: Primary production
Section IV: Establishment: Design and facilities
Section V: Control of operation

5.1 Control of food hazards

5.1.1 Identification of potential hazards
5.1.2 Records of prior cargoes and prior cleaning
5.1.3 Sources of hazards Hazards related to the food transportation unit Hazards related to loading and unloading Hazards related to transport

5.2 Key aspects of hygiene control systems
5.3 Incoming material requirements
5.4 Packaging
5.5 Water
5.6 Management and supervision
5.7 Documentation and records
5.8 Recall procedures
5.9 Dedicated transport

Section VI: Establishment: Maintenance and sanitation
Section VII: Establishment: Personal hygiene
Section VIII: Transportation

8.4 Food transportation units

Section IX: Production information and consumer awareness
Section X: Training

Appendix IV: Proposed Draft Principles and Guidelines for the Conduct of Microbiological Risk Management at Step 3

1. Scope
2. Definitions
3. General principles
4. Involvement of stakeholders
5. Guidelines for the conduct of microbiological risk management

5.1. Initial risk management activities

5.1.1. Identification of risk managers
5.1.2. Identification a problem
5.1.3. Risk profile
5.1.4. Defining goals
5.1.5. Scope, range and risk assessment policy
5.1.6. Commissioning of microbiological risk assessment

5.2 Risk management options assesment

5.2.1 Consideration of the process and the results of the microbiological risk assessment
5.2.2 Identifying the level of tolerable risk
5.2.3. Regional considerations
5.2.4. Identification of available options Food Safety Objectives Precautionary principle

5.2.5. Selection of preferred microbiological risk management option
5.2.6. Final management decision

6. Guidelines for implementation of microbiological risk management decisions
7. Monitoring and review