FAO's Data Lab

The Data Lab created a tool that monitors topics covered by the global press that are related to — and have an impact on — the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular: food security, climate change, food losses, and waste, COVID-19, social unrest, food prices, and healthy diets. The Topics Explorer provides indicators of sentiment and popularity of the topics in several countries. It can be used by analysts and policymakers to obtain early warnings, by checking how a given topic is treated in the news and obtaining current information on possible issues arising in the world. Also, by using the "Insights" section of the tool, users can understand what is driving opinions in countries on a chosen topic. Note that the sentiment indicator goes from 0 (very negative) to 100 (very positive), being 50 a neutral sentiment.

Monitoring SDGs-related topics over time to better inform policymakers of the underlying key issues and the related national and international sentiments

Click here to access the tool
SDGs Sentiment Analysis Topics Networks