Lake Tanganyika Research : Help

[ Accessing LTR Files ] [ Navigating the website ]

To access the LTR files :

a) from the 'Desktop', double-click on the Netscape icon to launch the Netscape application

b) from the 'File' menu, select 'Open Page'

c) from the dialogue box that will appear on your screen, click on 'Choose File'...

d) and select the drive designation for your CD-ROM device...

e) navigate to the LTR directory...

f) open (double-click on) the document INDEX.HTM and then click 'OK'

g) in the Open Page dialog window, click the Open button...

To navigate the website

Hyperlinks allow you to navigate a website by clicking on specific objects or text. Each hyperlink takes you to another webpage containing information on a related topic...

Any time you see a 'hand icon' appear, you can click on that image or text to go to another page

h) an example of a image hyperlink (which would take you to the FINNIDA website)

i) an example of a text hyperlink, which would take you to the Project Implementation section

j) These arrows are hyperlinks which lead you to the next topic

k) These hyperlinks at the bottom of every page allow you to go to any section of the website

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