Lake Tanganyika Research : Results
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   All LTR results, including primary data and preliminary analyses, were published between 1992-1999. Publications of LTR were issued in two series: a) Field Guides and Manuals (GCP/RAF/271/FIN-FM) provide background on sampling methodologies and procedures; and b) Technical Documents (GCP/RAF/271/FIN-TD) report the results of different research components, meetings and missions.

   A total of 20 Field Guides and Manuals and 100 Technical Documents have been published, all of which are preserved electronically as Adobe Acrobat Reader files (.pdf). Adobe Acrobat Reader® software is required to access this material and is available free at Adobe's website. Information on using this software is available. Instructions for using the Adobe search facility are available on the LTR CD-ROM edition.

These publications are available by [ document number ] or [ subject ]

   Considerable efforts were made to synthesize the results of all research components. Consequently, the key Technical Documents are:

   Technical Document No. 71 Overview of LTR socio-economic investigations;
   Technical Document No. 94 Summary of the scientific programme;
   Technical Document No. 97 Lake Tanganyika Framework Fisheries
    Management Plan; and
   Technical Document No. 100 Lake Tanganyika FFMP Implementation
    Programme and Component Project Profiles     LTR findings were also reported at two symposia convened in Kuopio, Finland (Mölsä, 1991, 1995) and in other international scientific fora (e.g., Hanek et al., 1997; Huttula, 1997; Mölsä et al., 1999 and Sarvala et al., 1999). These are available in the Publications (by Subject) section.

    Between 1992 - 2000, LTR produced 30 issues of the Lake Tanganyika Research Newsletter. The quarterly newsletter covers a wide range of project-related stories and has been widely distributed both within the region and worldwide.

LTR Newsletters
[ Click to enlarge ]

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