Lake Tanganyika Research : Outlook
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  FFMP Implementation Programme Aims

   The Implementation Programme would aim to achieve the following:

  1. A Lake Tanganyika regional fishery body with enhanced capabilities to undertake increased responsibilities for fisheries management and conservation measures.
  2. The four lacustrine States and a regional fishery body with enhanced capabilities to implement provisions of the CCRF.
  3. Improved legal regimes to support implementation of the CCRF.
  4. The four lacustrine States and a regional fisheries body with enhanced capability to generate and use scientific advice for fisheries management.
  5. The four lacustrine States with an improved and regionally integrated information service for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of data on catch and effort statistics, fleet characteristics and distribution, and basic socio-economic features of Tanganyika fishers and fishing communities.
  6. The four lacustrine States with improved and regionally integrated systems for monitoring, control, and surveillance of fishing operations.
  7. Policies adopted to restructure national fleet capacities and activities in accordance with requirements for the sustainable harvest of available resources.
  8. Fishing operations around the lake conducted in a more responsible manner.
  9. Improved performance in the Tanganyika fisheries post-harvest sector in accordance with CCRF principles and approaches.

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